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[時事討論] 穆巴拉克如風中殘燭 林博文

本帖最後由 felicity2010 於 2011-2-2 07:20 AM 編輯
1 \7 U7 l  v& \5 f% U
7 [9 w0 a" J6 H. V8 k' Ztvb now,tvbnow,bttvb穆巴拉克如風中殘燭  林博文5.39.217.76( v3 t$ y7 B( N+ _( F1 h
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb- r' T+ I8 Z+ H8 J, q' M  ~

# A8 o; Y! \/ B* ?) u# B* w# E+ o

" K, R- [$ Q" m; w: W公仔箱論壇
9 d( ^* h2 P6 R% M- t& u0 p7 p/ U鐵腕統治埃及近三十年的穆巴拉克總統,下台已成為他的唯一選項。他想戀棧,已不可能;他想拖延,亦不可能。他目前最大的顧慮是,如何安全離開總統府,如何平安流放海外、如何保護他搜刮得來的海外存款。尼羅河畔的動盪,金字塔下的怒吼,只有一個解決辦法,那就是軍頭出身的穆巴拉克必須滾蛋,必須把政權交出來。唯有如此,埃及才有希望。
$ i' v5 T5 N0 r2 M1 w9 b7 x

4 R' k$ G7 Q, `公仔箱論壇穆巴拉克是個權力腐化的典型例子。跟穆巴拉克很熟的前美國總統卡特的國安顧問布里辛斯基說,在蘇聯受過米格機飛行員訓練的穆巴拉克,當空軍總司令和副總統時平易近人,也有理想,是個人才。一九八一年沙達特總統在一場兵變中被殺,穆氏繼任,開始嘗到了統治權力的滋味。為了對付組織力量雄厚的穆斯林兄弟會和其他反對勢力,亦為了要鞏固政權,更為了要做一個萬年總統,推出了所謂《緊急狀態法》(即等於當年台灣的戒嚴法),剝奪了人民的言論、集會和結社自由,把穆斯林兄弟會列為非法組織,大抓反對派。
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb1 n! R  T4 R- u& v+ R

. A/ D8 i; H5 h" C+ s/ d6 n  R1 v5.39.217.76穆巴拉克自認唯有他當總統,大權在握,埃及方能長治久安。全世界一批獨夫都把「長治久安」掛在嘴上,認為只有他們掌權,國家才能安定、和平。這次埃及反穆大示威,垂垂老去的穆巴拉克照樣把「長治久安」四個字抬出來,色厲內荏地強調只有他始能維持埃及於不墜和不亂。就像其他的獨裁者一樣,穆氏曾打算讓他的兒子接班,他完全沒想到突尼西亞的一場反政府示威,竟延燒到他的眉睫,天要亡他,人民亦要亡他,他是逃不掉的。

8 a7 z. S5 Y- x& m9 U) i4 B1 stvb now,tvbnow,bttvb

' N+ r+ x0 v" _2 N# p4 b1 `  N" P5.39.217.76穆巴拉克政權可惡的地方很多,最讓人民反感和厭惡的是三十年來日子越過越慘,全埃人口八千萬,至少有四千萬人每天生活費只有兩塊美金(等於台幣六十塊),而貧富又極度懸殊。美國每年援助埃及十五億美元,這批錢跑到哪裡去了?軍方拿最多,穆氏獨裁統治的最大靠山是軍隊,他自己是空軍出身,三十年來不斷地拉攏將領和情治首腦。華府過去一直勸他任命一個副總統,被他拒絕,此次在大示威聲中,才匆匆任命他的情報頭子蘇雷曼當副總統。有人說,穆氏任命蘇雷曼當副手,也許是為了下台做準備,但埃及人民顯然亦不歡迎蘇雷曼掌權。

6 Z0 y# {6 L2 z! P8 Q公仔箱論壇
卡特促成以埃和平之後,美埃關係即很密切,埃及亦成為美國在中東的主要盟友。這次反政府抗議爆發後,歐巴馬和國務卿希拉蕊如坐針氈,每次發言都小心翼翼,既不敢明講穆巴拉克應該下台,又要求埃及政府不可鎮壓群眾。直至周一,白宮才公開呼籲穆巴拉克廢除《緊急狀態法》,讓人民享有集會、結社和言論自由。同時,歐巴馬政府又請出已退休的資深外交官、前駐埃及大使法蘭克.魏斯納(Frank Wisner,一九八六至一九九一使埃),兼程趕赴開羅處理亂局。有人揣測魏斯納此行可能是奉歐巴馬之命安排穆巴拉克下台,至少讓他有尊嚴的交出權力。
  a: U$ Z3 i& J/ @& W7 Ttvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
  N' e; x" O1 `' p5 [& T  g

1 E# ~3 [3 T1 y) |, n( RTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。

" b' G! u  Y. n! w美國緊張,以色列更緊張,如埃及「變色」,則以色列慘矣,本來就無寧日的中東恐將烽火連連。以色列過去幾年雖與加薩走廊的哈瑪斯打個不停,亦入侵過黎巴嫩,但她和埃及的戰略伙伴關係卻使以色列得以全力發展經濟,而不必擔心阿拉伯世界最大軍事強國埃及趁火打劫。以色列軍隊所使用的石油,三分之二購自埃及,而埃及又幫以色列阻擋軍火走私到加薩走廊。以色列全國上下目前都在焦慮地注視埃及的動亂,他們最怕的是穆斯林兄弟會掌權,廢除以埃和平協定。
. x8 u, r0 v$ v& V
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。7 c% U5 S5 Z' I# [' g$ {* o
  p; B2 L/ t# m  E
" h# x) ]' ^5 Y# n8 P" j
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本帖最後由 felicity2010 於 2011-2-2 07:27 AM 編輯 - f# R' p4 e. Q) J6 f1 c: V

& s& Y8 D2 a! j; J; {1 pEgyptian regime begins to reveal its strategy TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。5 x$ \4 I' p( h; p' ?0 O+ n" h
% a- C8 b; ?' m# Y) v& b
By Simon Tisdall  Guardian
  E+ _3 F" E3 K5 H4 s5 ytvb now,tvbnow,bttvbTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。% h% d( s+ s6 O% w6 ~: ^( G! Z
After a week spent caught in the headlights, the Egyptian regime is showing signs of assembling a strategy to extricate itself from its perilous predicament. Whether the strategy can work is another matter entirely.8 @; q9 x4 @8 u- e! G% b" o
公仔箱論壇4 w; e2 n* [3 \4 O0 f6 o( B5 `1 W
The regime's survival plan centres on Omar Suleiman, the head of intelligence, who is President Hosni Mubarak's close confidant and the newly installed vice-president. At this point, Suleiman is the most powerful man in Egypt, backed by the military (from which he hails), the security apparatus and a frightened ruling elite hoping to salvage something from the wreckage.
) V9 f% R7 X, T4 lTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
, T; I- j/ ]0 P4 ~Suleiman is, in effect, heading a military junta at this point, with all the principal civilian power positions – the presidency, the vice-presidency, the premiership, the defence and interior ministries – held by former senior officers, and with the military itself in full support.: t+ q+ v. J0 h" ?: H. ?! `0 |

) f1 ~+ V/ S* M7 P5 H' _Mubarak is now reduced to the role of figurehead, sheltering behind this clique. But they will not sacrifice him if they can avoid it. There will be no ignominious flight to Saudi Arabia,like that of Tunisia's deposed president, Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali. Mubarak's pride won't allow it; the military's pride won't allow it.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb+ o( ]- U. Q$ a

' Y( c7 N: Z0 Y- b" l9 _0 u5.39.217.76They probably now accept that the old man will have to go, sooner rather than later. But they seem determined that when his departure comes, it will be dignified, and at a time of their collective choosing. As they see it, the honour of the nation demands no less.* n) D: }: b! U2 b5 s! ?) m2 y1 a
, f+ `* W4 z2 J* ?: A' H5 B: d
The army's pledge not to use violence against peaceful protesters was a canny political move that had Suleiman's fingerprints all over it. If the armed forces stick to that vow today, it could help avoid the sort of chaotic,escalating confrontations with demonstrators that, in other countries, have turned unrest into fully fledged revolution.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。, G, h! d$ _2 i! I
2 L% D% J6 ]( R- u7 b$ R3 F/ o  @
The renunciation of force will also play well in the White House and the US media. It meets one of the key concerns voiced by Barack Obama: that a regime closely allied to the US not be seen to be shooting down its own citizens, whose only crime is to seek greater freedom.
; A  ]6 T" R" T  P8 o' R% G5.39.217.76公仔箱論壇7 U& }5 B3 I% D
What the army spokesman meant when he said the military recognised the "legitimacy" of the protesters' demands is open to interpretation, no doubt deliberately. It cannot be assumed this meant Suleiman and the army agree that Mubarak must resign. More probably, it was their way of appearing reasonable and open to negotiation. Part of Suleiman's plan is immediate talks with the opposition, however defined. Again, this posture will reduce western pressure on the regime.
$ @1 A9 e" P$ A$ F4 [" V( m! S公仔箱論壇tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb9 z* m, [' z- _* C( u
The regime may also be hoping that the lawlessness and looting that erupted in several cities will convince the people,particularly middle-class Cairenes, that revolution is too risky.
Mubarakhas always symbolised order. The prospect of chaos is a good argument for caution.
5 t" I( o1 D7 r% L# BTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。. ]" ^) v  A3 u! {+ i5 W2 \% I
Meanwhile, there were signs today that the security forces are closely marshalling the protests, attempting to exert maximum control without actually crushing them.: I5 E; e9 p0 v. G: w

9 t1 S, K- e3 t& k, ]Likewise, rising food and fuel prices, shortages,lost earnings, closed businesses, falling exports and reduced tourism caused by the unrest will have a growing impact on ordinary working people at the heart of the protests
. The regime's strategy appears to be wait them out, to wear them out, to hope that, in time, the fervour and size of the protests will abate – that literally, they will run out of energy.
% r0 j3 Y" T! o- Y公仔箱論壇
/ T' b0 r4 ]9 o3 a5 NOn the political front, a proffered timetable for fresh parliamentary and presidential elections, possibly this autumn,coinciding with the end of Mubarak's term,
under some form of international or independent supervision, may soon be forthcoming – another way for the regime to escape the morass. Mubarak could then hand over power in the normal way (though it would be abnormal for Egypt). His son, Gamal Mubarak, presumably, would play no future part.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。9 t. J# s8 D7 U3 H# G  Z6 N% ^. J

2 r4 J7 ^/ f5 k& P' Y. l, ?公仔箱論壇Just how honest and open new elections might be,once the pressure on the streets has abated, is questionable.
Whether they would usher in a truly new era for Egypt is highly doubtful at this point. At this moment, there remains all to play for. But through history, the fate of revolutions is to be hijacked. Egyptians will hope they don't get fooled again.