發表於 2008-12-20 01:09 AM
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December 18, 2008. MediaTakeOut.com just caught wind of a STUNNING RUMOR!!! Word on the street is that Michael Jordan and Cuban model Yvette Prieto have decided to jump the broom.
And it gets better. Word is that the happy couple is set to make it official NEXT WEEK. We put out our feelers to folks in MJs camp for an official confirmation of the nuptials. But so far, nobody's talking.
Nice move Yvette. Hopefully you can pull a Juanita and manage to jump the broom without a pre-nup!!!
乔天王终于再度告别单身,去年正式离婚的飞人乔丹将和古巴模特艾文特走进婚姻的殿堂。今年年初,乔丹和年轻的艾文特在迈阿密相识,随即两人堕入爱河。双方计划下周将正式公布结婚的消息。 乔丹去年和乔安塔正式离婚,两人育有2个儿子。艾文特在认识乔丹之前,曾和著名的拉丁歌手恩里克的弟弟朱利安恋爱。
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