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齋飲朱古力奶昔 兩年激減336磅

(明報) 01月 05日 星期五 05:05AM
% Q/ F$ o) D2 p  S" M3 M- F1 w- u2 x$ b9 n
' i( d; K4 g6 S8 U0 ?% x9 M* D5 mtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
% L9 b  y! q8 Z43歲的斯廷頓減肥前每天吃4餐,每餐分量大之餘,更狂吃薯片和蛋糕等零食,體重直線上升至539磅。直至連走路也有困難時,她就知道要減肥了。 F* X: Z% ^4 ?1 x
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05年1月,斯廷頓到伯明翰(相關新聞 - 網站)一間醫院的診所接受減肥治療。但她不喜歡餐單上的食物,只喜歡朱古力味的東西,於是兩年來早午晚三餐都只喝朱古力奶昔。
: b' E" u7 q0 R* K* _/ b7 X
# r" k" s+ N9 o! a' D* G" K" Z8 k5.39.217.76笑言丈夫娶了「新太太」公仔箱論壇! d) z5 ]- `# s- w$ Y

1 Z! s7 q4 L$ N8 j9 Y, v0 g現在她體重已減至203磅,20年來第一次去戲院,並準備搭飛機,因為她終於坐得進飛機座位。她亦能夠走上二樓,回到與丈夫戴維一起睡的雙人牀,令丈夫十分欣喜。斯廷頓笑說﹕「人們以為我丈夫娶了新太太。」公仔箱論壇1 @9 `/ r- m& g8 q) K2 _
  R7 V: A  G  P% b/ H: U
really???????i wanna try
MILK SHAKE喎.....唔肥但變瘦.....係真唔係呀
don't believe it, but once a while have a cup of chocolate milkshake is wonderful.
I believe it because everything is about calories.  For a fat person who usually eat a lot and change the diet to a 'liquid' diet, the calorie intake must be less than before so eventually she will lose weight.
err... i don't think i can drink chocolate milkshake 3 times/day for 3 yrs
奶昔 仲要喺朱古力嘅....我覺得無乜可能會减到300幾磅囖 增咗300幾磅就有可能
From 500 pound down to 200 pound...
. `) h) J- \7 ]9 `% [# t8 s5.39.217.76milk shake is ok for her.. M* {" ?5 W9 G% C- R( l
but for those who are already really slim ( 100-150) pound,
7 q! [- \6 ]7 N9 V) ^公仔箱論壇it might not working...
You must be kidding, I can't believe it!!
for ppl who is 500 prounds, only drink 3 milk shakes per day + 3 years..
% s: h/ \% G6 N+ G& ^公仔箱論壇the weight can be go down, cause besides milk shakes she ate nothing...
what???? milkshake is not healthy, tons of sugar
This is unbelievable!!