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[估估下] 布帽 vs 頭盔

" Z+ v( d: a. _公仔箱論壇
7 e) x) A; w8 ^$ P後來有人提議﹐布帽保護能力不夠﹐不如讓所有步兵都佩戴鋼鐵造的頭盔吧。; O' {- p+ g* R9 D' }

. G6 H; {3 L- P: @( j; `) ?' R' d公仔箱論壇於是﹐所有步兵改為戴著更堅固的鋼鐵頭盔打仗。
+ C' K. a* O5 `) e, B4 j5.39.217.76: C  T! C# F8 {2 f/ ~, o
6 e2 @% f+ e; M2 }tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
9 U9 ^7 C8 b9 t3 P為什麼﹖
5 b3 h! |' b' x
7 z2 p- X1 ~7 \$ m: ^1 Wtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb貼士﹕在戰場受傷入院的步兵人數居然大大增加﹐而且﹐係頭部受傷。(不過鋼盔的保護力確實高過布帽好多。)
5 W5 E6 O' q: F6 F7 f
4 T, D0 U' ?6 X: q; k5.39.217.76
- z3 `- V* q7 p' z


  • 如來彿祖

everyone use the helmet to make coffee...so when the enemies attack...they quickly wear the helmets, forgetting tat there is coffee in the helmet...
0 f$ o( M- _  F. O$ n6 D4 q4 S公仔箱論壇tatz y alot of ppl for injured...
  b. s0 J" Y1 h0 j8 ^$ t$ p7 I6 \:onion14: :onion14: :onion14:
look look
原帖由 manstein 於 2007-12-3 18:15 發表
0 \- z* a0 `  GTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。everyone use the helmet to make coffee...so when the enemies attack...they quickly wear the helmets, forgetting tat there is coffee in the helmet... `! W1 Y" b7 @/ K0 X3 X
tatz y alot of ppl for injured...
' a6 L1 A7 ]3 I0 j: Z- { :onion1 ...
# _! H/ z. W5 k6 q公仔箱論壇- {3 _9 ?* }. m6 ^# `8 y. G# F- m3 `* U
some are using them for cooking, so when the enemy attack, the rush up and put the hot helmet on their head, that's why they injured...
too heavy?2 D$ V6 Z+ @1 J% s2 e$ u' }4 r
btw.. the answer above is so creative~

回復 #1 jjleong1314 的帖子

Too Heavy, cannot run fast.
:onion31: :onion31: 公仔箱論壇+ S( x) t2 {' I* U- _" U
let me c answer........ m9 E$ S$ x9 P: _+ A
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。8 E) B/ w8 |* \7 }$ O0 ?3 I
thk for sharing.......