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[中式食譜] 鹹蛋黃沙豬肉

. y3 F! }& u( y0 a( p- L5.39.217.76鹹蛋黃......3粒(蒸熟)
0 z9 o4 J! t" t6 N# e. ^TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。牛油......2湯匙
/ U7 ^* n8 H1 D2 [
; Y! c# o- p% \' d" ^
腌肉料: n1 T0 B; X% \; a6 i+ A' k
粟粉......4湯匙tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb* {- h. |  a& a2 c4 R: }
雞蛋......1個5.39.217.76) ]% c: j' a( o  l
& k. y! K  Z" U+ \3 W; ?公仔箱論壇鹽......1/4 茶匙
' Z1 @' H7 {' C5 Q5 i, ~# V公仔箱論壇糖......1/4 茶匙

/ M. l: W3 o) M( B
/ B+ R, S' |8 o5 b$ A0 e. ~材料B:
1 i; Q, y* ?, A+ W五花肉(帶皮)......500公克(切成小片)
, ^9 J4 k' S6 n9 w( }4 ~4 X5.39.217.76食油......半鍋(煎炸用途)
公仔箱論壇3 u  A8 F7 m# G- [8 H& E7 H6 k

0 W/ f6 Z& n. g1 ~' E/ f公仔箱論壇烹飪過程: tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb  k) O- w4 t2 h( g8 M, g/ h6 B  `2 m
; w: W+ A+ P( L% V% A6 l02.將鹹蛋黃攪碎,待用。公仔箱論壇- ^1 z/ l* ^4 F# i+ A* _* W

% d& M% S: r+ f7 D1 l公仔箱論壇公仔箱論壇  n( _6 i! w' U. c
Ingredient A: Y5 I: i- h+ N# ~4 P$ W4 C( A
500g pork belly, sliced% n( v/ F1 q* A/ ]* v- x# D
half a wok of cooking oil, for deep-frying purposes( B, ~7 G: i7 c) i0 v# k

: }9 H% k0 v! J+ R! i5.39.217.76Pork Marinade:
: h$ u) Z2 W0 A* f+ H  p0 ?公仔箱論壇4 tbsps corn flour公仔箱論壇; P8 S" X+ w' P
1 eggTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。' X7 e6 [! k) J7 f( V
1 tsp light soy sauce公仔箱論壇* Y1 i: v! Q8 ~3 H8 y# l
1/4 tsp salt1 c0 Q2 @5 c* l2 z' H9 m
1/4 tsp sugar
5 I) F- z. A# G! Otvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
* G7 R$ w) t" d5 y公仔箱論壇Ingredient B:
9 l: [1 t) @& Y& E3 salted egg yolks, steamed
8 z/ |! p9 Q: U) J4 V4 q4 p0 PTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。2 tbsps butter- b' Q% v2 X  [$ C4 q

- a/ ~5 ?2 ?) gtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbMethod:
$ D, Z+ \! ?' \2 h9 g1. Heat the wok, add oil and wait for the temperature to rise. Put themarinated sliced pork in slowly and fry until golden brown. Set asidefor later use.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。  k6 L! i9 y/ O- z0 }, S/ m
2. Crush the salted egg yolk, set aside.
) I2 i6 t2 P5 L1 E3 ^ Heat the wok, switch to small flame and melt butter. Stir in thesalted egg yolk, add the fried sliced pork prepared earlier. Stir-fryto mix well and dish out to serve.
, J5 t! \% O. _' A公仔箱論壇
9 }7 X" [$ N0 K+ v- J; \



    鹹蛋黃沙豬肉(Fried Pork with Salted Egg Yolk)

    + G. k9 {7 i# \+ [% ?2 e- J% y公仔箱論壇