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持久力下降是很多男人的問題, 妳了解不少, 妳話妳想放下工作想一吓, 主要是想什麼?
you should talk to him , not on here .  W  b4 C- L) G* ]2 |+ m7 R
Tell him you feel too much !!!!
我經已跟他討論好幾個星期, 他只是拖
which means he is ignoring this issue between 2 of u. Then, every time meet up also have sex, of the cannot last long la. Maybe you all do not know much about sex, actually if man has too much sex within a period of time, he cant last long and become "Joseph" (早泄).
' T2 m' ^( ]9 A' o1 b% K# i公仔箱論壇4 v/ F* b  \  Q0 x
Actually be frank to you, your bf do not mature enough, he is still having fun around and thought he is still young but actually he's not. That's why whenever you bring up any problem on the table, he will just ignore it, at the end the problems haven't settled and both of you separated go back home and wait for another meet up to have sex.
. \$ j" @. J5 j3 Z. v* e/ y' a& ]
8 r) [4 t; `2 d- F6 p1 I+ k! VSeriously, it just my opinion la, i advise you break up with him better. [& Y2 Y+ u, k: P/ x/ W" a, d
/ j% x/ Q9 d3 H0 A8 j9 W5.39.217.764 S, I6 g* z& r& k/ [8 o
You are a girl, a girl needs a man to rely on, but i c**禁止廣告網址** he is a man that able to provide you shoulder for you to rely.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb' V. e% s% ~- C7 H
You already busy, stress and tired for your family, income, living expenses, working and etc, and now you still become like a "babysitter", whenever baby cry, call you for milk, then you just feed him milk. if you don't feed him milk then he continues cry. you SHOULD let this baby know he SHOULD stop drinking milk, or else later kinder garden still bringing milk bottle to class. What I want to talk here is let him know is TIME TO STOP FOR SEX, DON'T ALWAYS SEX... SEX... SEX.... IF DON'T STOP NOW, in future then continue SEX SEX SEX.
其實會唔會你都幾索, 或者身材好, 你男朋友忍唔住呀? 如果佢唔出去偷食, 只係同你一個...咁你會唔會感覺好D?
本帖最後由 alex890628 於 2013-1-1 09:57 PM 編輯
4 ^5 a+ W$ Y9 V$ t' @" I+ a! o9 p% [TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。2 C" [. P4 }2 T% N4 ~/ t
Actually, did you said "No" before? and what's his reaction if you say "no"?tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb6 X9 }/ G: ]5 ~6 Q& ]& M
If he loves you, he will respect you.; K- b  ^9 M/ N6 i# d7 T* _
If he still want to have action after you say no....  he is too over... not respect y ...tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb2 |4 z* x9 R3 f
Boyboy1207 發表於 2012-12-31 11:11 PM
# j2 D  q3 r& Q# A
Why you direct translate from my comment?; G* U; r/ p* b; t7 B
! d1 _5 \2 j* e" t7 K7 V
其實會唔會你都幾索, 或者身材好, 你男朋友忍唔住呀? 如果佢唔出去偷食, 只係同你一個...咁你會唔會感覺好D?
) x+ P9 D; q2 {# Vwebuy 發表於 2013-1-1 09:42 PM
2 R: v  H" L8 N$ {' B公仔箱論壇根本与这件事无关。 就算她身材很好,也不应该10次见面9次做爱。 他们根本就只是做爱就没什么做了,我本身觉得大多数问题出现在男生。 他根本从头到尾都没关心过她,每次见面都要做,无论女子工作有多累,都要做。老实说,我很讨厌这种男孩。
有人可能日日要有人可能一個月都唔駛5.39.217.76% A6 k' O/ g" r- [- Z- w2 O2 f
yescyrus 發表於 2013-1-2 01:14 AM
% \( q: e6 J8 ~( i) q* Z$ otvb now,tvbnow,bttvb我諗佢唔係日日都要, 因為舊時都唔係.
男既仲讀緊書, 要求多D都算正常既
唔正常。 太多啦。有太多sex 对他读书脑唔好。
男既仲讀緊書, 要求多D都算正常既
* N( x9 p' ~: A4 _公仔箱論壇ALP 發表於 2013-1-2 07:40 PM
( o, L; W2 v: c! j. Z6 ]5 [( Wtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb兩年轉三科, 我諗佢付出努力都唔算多......, 向我的要求就比較多.
( a( y6 \, Y! Y6 X' ^* c
兩年轉三科, 我諗佢付出努力都唔算多......, 向我的要求就比較多.8 e0 y1 v/ j- t, G
momoko_lam 發表於 2013-1-3 08:10 PM
公仔箱論壇8 X' J) H, G- k1 _

" c6 ~- W7 w. f9 ]& G& R! u5 o所以,他一点都不成熟。 假如他再也没改进的话,分手吧。 不要再浪费时间在他身上了。你青春有限。
You should suggest Momoko to maintain this relationship not telling her separation.
! c- I% [' ]0 k! N6 x5.39.217.76May be you are right about the man's sex drive. But if she don't love him. You think she will let him make love on her body?& l( x6 ]' N- x! Q5 Z2 x
Sex and Love is between two people.
You should suggest Momoko to maintain this relationship not telling her separation.
& t9 q, Y4 x1 x# G: p4 s8 {TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。May be you are right about the man's sex drive. But if she don't love him. You think she will let him make love on h ...
3 O7 K$ E4 ]$ K5 R6 r1 X# {1 u+ emarkhamwong 發表於 2013-1-4 10:34 PM W" G! c  T7 M! C, Y4 y# v' e
8 A# i* U* V5 ~3 n. S$ S
If you read all 6 pages, you may write me something different. You thought I do not suggested her any ideas? I did, but seems she didn't reply any or taking some time to consider which and what steps should take in order to get the conclusion she expected.
; M/ v5 {5 {$ GTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
0 W/ `+ h+ b6 H# x6 S0 M1 x5.39.217.76I knew I should not tell or ask her to do separation, but seems she really loves that man too much until she lost her real personality. now she is struggling, if she follow my ideas and take action, she will get more easier to make decision. UNFORTUNATELY, she does not planned to do so.