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[貼圖] 倭黑猩猩

Fellow homo sapiens, meet one of our closest living relatives: the bonobos. They may share 98.6 percent of their DNA with humans, but these simians are in a league of their own when it comes to their sexual behavior.

Bonobos, along with chimpanzees, are the closest primates to humans and only found in a remote forest bank along the Congo River in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

What makes them unique from chimps is their sexual activity.

"Whereas the chimpanzee shows little variation in the sexual act, bonobos behave as if they have read the Kama Sutra, performing every position and variation one can imagine," biologist Frans de Waal said in the March issue of National Geographic magazine.

"The range of activities includes mouth-to-mouth kissing, oral sex, genital caressing by hand, penis-fencing by two males, male-on-male mounting, and genito-genital rubbing by two estrous females, who smoosh their swollen vulvas back and forth against each other in a spate of feverish sisterly cordiality. Usually there's no orgasm culminating these activities," said David Quammen in an essay for the magazine.

But their creative “bedroom” antics are for more than mating purposes. It's part of their normal social interaction that helps maintain their female-run society.

"Their social purpose seems to be communication of various sorts: expression of goodwill, calming of excitement, greeting, tension relief, bonding, solicitation of food sharing, and reconciliation. To that list of benefits we might also add sheer pleasure and (for the juveniles) instructional play. Varied and frequent and often nonchalant, sex is a widely applied social lubricant that helps keep bonobo politics amiable," said Quammen.

Separated by the river, bonobos live on the left bank while chimps and gorillas live on the right bank. This river barrier allow bonobos to remain at the top of their food chain and not have to wage wars with other primates over territory.

They typically enjoy foraging for food in large groups of 15 to 20 and have a bountiful supply of vegetation that is available year-round.

Bonobos were discovered in 1927, and were initially called "pygmy chimpanzees" due to their similar physical features. Although they are relatively the same height, bonobos generally leaner, have smaller heads, and longer legs.

Source: NE



  • vandas

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