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恩..答案是 囧

done it---in around 10mins

12 balls spilt into 4 parts( 3 balls in 1 part- A, B, C, D), use two measure to find out wether it is heavier or lighter, then u should know which part is heavier/lighter. if A is heavier then mixed 1 ball into B, and C, balance A and B,  if balance, the the mixed ball in c is the odd one, if not,  then the heavier side should contains the odd ball. ;;)
i want da answer
wanna cc
Not very hard. Did it in 2 hrs. Now let me verify.
i wanna verify my idea.......


第一次称,两边6个,甘样肯定有一边会重D。跟住重D果6个分开两份每份3个称第二次。又系肯定有一边重D。剩低3个。抽其中两个称,如果重量相等,则没有被选中嘅球系最重的。如果重量不等,则重的那一边就是那个ball了 have i got it right
dont know
>:/ b-( [-O< this is very diffcult!!! ,..i am very stupid
太難了公仔箱論壇$ C0 u) F. G. l* M; X
0 P$ F: @4 O" |% `" X5.39.217.76我是億分之一 天啊
5 I* _! [4 c) O% D( C8 s" l5.39.217.76希望知道答案
不知道呀  想看看答案
too difficult! are you sure this is the exactly what the question is? or mistype somthing? when you going to tell us the answer?