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原帖由 zukiroy 於 2008-11-12 12:59 AM 發表
i only use 500 + 法神之靴 have 500 = 1000
i use whole set 法神裝 and about 500lv i think will have enough 防...normally will add 500耐力too but in the later period with higher lv
if you use like this(i only use 500 + 法神之靴 have 500 = 1000)

only police can kill you ar~
原帖由 zukiroy 於 2008-11-12 12:59 AM 發表

how many 素質點 do you have now?
力 量:3869
體 質:300
敏 捷:200
智 慧:0
耐 力:1000
攻 擊:653259
防 御:169990
魔 攻:319


素質點use up lu
you r very lucky la

1 turn will have 150 素質點
1 lv will have 3 素質點

now you r 12 turn 635 lv~you have 5369素質點
12*150 = 1800
635*3= 1905~
1800+1905 = 3705~

see you r very lucky la~
so good!!! i haven't court that arrr
but 5369 入面 some ar 神騎 add 既能力
原帖由 hehaha1987 於 2008-11-12 01:09 AM 發表
so good!!! i haven't court that arrr
not many people know that~
that's why your lv go up so fast~
聖騎add 敏捷:+200 體質:+300
神騎 only + 200 and 300

500+3705 you still have more ar~

[ 本帖最後由 zukiroy 於 2008-11-12 01:12 AM 編輯 ]
原帖由 zukiroy 於 2008-11-12 01:11 AM 發表

not many people know that~
that's why your lv go up so fast~
that's really nice~but how can i get additional 素質點 ae?

also it's time to go sleep~gd night~
原帖由 hehaha1987 於 2008-11-12 01:12 AM 發表

that's really nice~but how can i get additional 素質點 ae?

also it's time to go sleep~gd night~
i want to know why too~

good night~
time to sleep
必杀之剑 when u r in the low lv is very good to use~

it can kill everything by 1 hit~~but only will come out some time not all the time~

10 hit maybe will have 1~