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聖騎士靴 jo7878 1 送禮 2008-03-20 12:27:05
王者之墜 jo7878 1 送禮 2008-03-20 12:26:00
王者疾靴 jo7878 1 送禮 2008-03-20 12:24:01
英雄護甲 jo7878 1 送禮 2008-03-20 12:22:45
英雄護甲 jo7878 4 送禮 2008-03-20 12:22:25
王者聖甲 jo7878 4 送禮 2008-03-20 12:22:11
英雄頭盔 jo7878 2 送禮 2008-03-20 12:21:44
王者頭盔 jo7878 6 送禮 2008-03-20 12:21:28
聖騎士項鏈 jo7878 1 送禮 2008-03-20 12:21:02
英雄之墜 jo7878 1 送禮 2008-03-20 12:20:46
英雄之墜 jo7878 1 送禮 2008-03-20 12:20:28
英雄之劍 jo7878 2 送禮 2008-03-20 12:19:56
王者之劍 jo7878 3 送禮 2008-03-20 12:19:39

已送jo 要东东的 请找她

回復 #766 坏蛋小子 的帖子

jo有很好東西, 是時候向她打劫


原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-3-20 01:20 PM 發表
jo有很好東西, 是時候向她打劫
wht is 雜牌軍??
i see their hp and mp all very high
原帖由 happyhour526 於 2008-3-20 01:46 PM 發表
wht is 雜牌軍??
i see their hp and mp all very high

回復 #769 happyhour526 的帖子

雜牌軍 they haent play yet seen old vison. ,if they pick a skill than will show either 騎士 ,法師or刺客, also the reason why their hp n mp so high is because they didnt take off their 王者,hero,or聖騎 's 裝備 , so the number will be same after the new vision,look a lot more , like mine . is a lot more then ppl with 13 turn .like 1500 more 素質點. cause i did take off my angel set n the # come with it from old vision.

回復 #757 KBSheng 的帖子

hi......KBSheng..... .......... dont see u much . come more often lo.................  ..........why no tea ga......everyone...........:onion14: ............tea time for me la.......

回復 #755 kokjong 的帖子

點解你之前唔參.........they all pretty ,n i got scare ma.........:019: ........... n not enough support lo........ppl will laugh at me ga ma..........
let's have the tea!!!:onion14:

回復 #774 ddly 的帖子

me too , good tea wo.....:onion14: ........... ......ddy..........     ............. may have poison ga.........

開除成員【 tiktik 】完成!

[ 本帖最後由 jo7878 於 2008-3-20 03:34 PM 編輯 ]
sorry everyone .is your hard work n i let it happen, it wont happen against . i promise ,last night i  got lazy .set it to auto join. i will put everything back to family warehouse  ga la. no problem wo..............................
原帖由 jo7878 於 2008-3-20 14:40 發表
tiktik         光爆術領悟之書         10         領取         2008-03-20 13:14:27
tiktik         地爆術領悟之書         12         領取         2008-03-20 13:14:17
tiktik         寒冰術領悟之書        ...
☠ 聖騎士軍團 ☠ ~ 團長 ( 綽號: 判官 ☜♠☞ ) ^0^v ▄︻┴┬═一

☠ 聖騎士軍團 ☠ ~ 團長 ( 綽號: 判官 ☜♠☞ ) ^0^v ▄︻┴┬═一

回復 #779 Q版皮利斯 的帖子

this is not the first one.but he is the worst la. i dont care .i give them away all the time,but i have responsibly to my family ,i cant waste their hard work for helping  eachother.
thank for stopping by Q版皮利斯..................

ppl who needed.pm me dont do that no more.
please dont take n go. just ask if u do play .i m willing to give more than that, please dont look me down la.