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回復 #625 x12345 的帖子

我個給了ivan.有多給你去玩玩,努力打怪獸呀.很怏有ga la.or 叫ivan 給你玩玩吧.他很快很有錢,他說打怪才有20$,用了财富戒指有100$.有5倍倍金錢卡的power.
by the way.. what should i 轉生 to??? should i keep 飛龍族 or try another one??? this is kinda confusing~~~ hehehe thankss jo7878 and blueocean~
想自己找到,因为见到稀有items 特别开心 :014:

回復 #630 jollybee 的帖子

try刺客first ,than next turn try 聖騎士 , than u will know the diff, i love been 聖騎士 too .聖騎士 is the most powerful when u r in high lever. n if u do want to try 聖騎士 .6 turn素質點 in 耐 力 200 first from lever 0 n the the rest in 力 量. after lever 100 ,add more in 耐 力 300, i think 6 turn素質點 in 耐 力 max put 375 to 425.add little n try .untill u do not die lo.ask blue ocean. he is good on knight la.n keep keep 飛龍族.if u have enough $ .if not laet us know 、lo.

[ 本帖最後由 jo7878 於 2008-3-19 06:39 AM 編輯 ]
need to lv up faster

回復 #633 x12345 的帖子

我在南洋之底         六轉地圖打到的财富戒指.不知還有沒有?:019:

成功贈送給 x12345 1 個 雙倍攻擊卡!........ 可以快d打到财富戒指.....

[ 本帖最後由 jo7878 於 2008-3-19 06:46 AM 編輯 ]

回復 #636 jo7878 的帖子

need 1 more turn, before i can go in\

回復 #632 jollybee 的帖子

i think you should go with 自然靈獸族 la because it's stronger....i pick 飛龍族  because i was born in the year of dragon...pick dragon just for fun:014:
jo is right la...since this a game and about fun....so you should try other skill like 刺客 and 聖騎士....try new things la
come on and try to catch up with me la...i will wait for you at 10 turns:onion05:


:onion05: :onion05: :onion05:  呵呵呵 4轉400級了
lvls 不算难 掉宝率难 di
5轉 la, only have 80 掉宝率:019:

回復 #639 UniAbysmal 的帖子

雙倍攻擊卡         UniAbysmal         1         送禮         2008-03-19 07:19:02..............前的50lv都好難升........現在只得25級好難升了

回復 #641 x12345 的帖子

= = really
only found 2神秘寶石 from the time I play this game (6 days)