先每邊6個,抽出重的一邊,tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb7 I( D' j; m. i @% P; K
然後每邊3個,如重量不一,便可肯定那個重量異常的球比其他球重,再抽出重的一邊, 3 L D' ~, U) v4 @) `6 s最後每邊1個,重的便是答案;但若一樣便是另一個球- P1 L! d# C( G
但如每邊3個得出的重量是相同,便可肯定那個重量異常的球比其他球輕, ; \3 z C# l* k- j; h; S0 d7 v公仔箱論壇我只能想到這裡.....
The problem with some of the answer replied was that the question did not specify whether the odd one is heavier or lighter and a lot of the reply can not be validate as assumptions are made without being tested.
The problem with some of the answer replied was that the question did not specify whether the odd one is heavier or lighter and a lot of the reply can not be validate as assumptions are made without being tested.
. W0 _; l4 I1 V公仔箱論壇 J8 ]' |) \% M/ ~3 R5.39.217.76tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb/ u% f4 c7 L! F6 x: d0 V% l
Well, I think you have to spend 30 minutes (or more) to read the question more carefully. - K3 |6 e' D; W# ]# T5.39.217.765.39.217.76$ r" z% |) y9 ?; l: N
The key point you miss is "重量異常" not just heaver. 6 ^* d4 t) n2 y: G4 }! }$ X5.39.217.76This means you don't know the ball is lighter or heaver.