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这都是男人为他们自已找的借口吧! !
it's all BULL SHIT!!!
" f4 x1 O/ ~7 u5.39.217.761. being strong is all for attracting girls...
* ^" ]7 r. N9 n% Y5.39.217.762. no tears cuz nothing te sed about...4 k# D3 ?* G# q! G4 k8 @6 K; ~
3. smoking is all for attracting girls...' r$ |: Y4 m. P; r$ N
4. say hi again cuz he wants to fuck her again...
1 c5 y# c, s: ^  [( q" B5.39.217.765. no face ar ma...tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb+ |5 W1 s% V# B4 s
6. get drunk(usually come with tears) cuz he dosen't have a girl to fuck with...
4 L$ a) x+ i; H; j; L  D* i7 e公仔箱論壇7. no face ar ma...
- }+ R) m# p0 R+ ^3 T2 {3 utvb now,tvbnow,bttvb8. he dosen't love her for sure...
7 v. j! N$ l+ H2 q; S% R' F5.39.217.769. he mines that he might not the first one to fuck her...公仔箱論壇5 q) ~2 z/ i: m9 O4 U! ~7 q
10. he is thinking ways of dumping her...# v5 {# z. Q9 O2 Q9 p' e$ l
11. he just dosen't wanna take responsibilities...+ v* y! {6 L* {1 I  q$ `' W6 v
12. cuz he got no girls to fuck with( holand moon law...)3 ]. J8 N6 T- N; ]) z0 \+ @
this is only for those female who dosen't know the male very well
2 v5 f/ ^  L4 t, M. x, W3 M5.39.217.76(m0k!z$G0z&T7STVBNOW 論壇        因爲他們自己知道.並不是他們不自信.只是他們害怕有一天你會離他而去.  
; D- X7 x+ j6 Ktvb now,tvbnow,bttvb*~+u2o/Q9@%O-a2y7\
it's so good!!
nice post~! i like tis~!
sounds sweet .....but dont know if it is 100% true
sounds sweet .....but dont know if it is 100% true