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viture horse??? wat lai de???
damn.. give boss kill... :L
nolah.. 股票is let ppl bet..
形象is sth like 头像
sure die la...
2000+ HP
7-800 attk
3-400 def..
u try try..
it's 头像 u can edit it and make it good looking..
girl like only la.. << i think...

boss is follow ur level one..
if u get it, he wouldnt as strong as my level one..
hahaha.. many version at other forum la..
some of them damn geng..
but their member too less...
i go loh.. 88
have forum bet or do wat else have their 系统 one..
no need transfer $ like now.. v easy.. just click few button finish.. and no need ppl 派彩
my eye got a bit blur
it's no need buki at all..
just 系统 do it
i old already la...

HP : 2340 / 2340

sometime i just go others forum c how others ppl work..
it's v geng, most of them r china forum..
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复活药 99.. how to play..