ed_teck (球王)當前離線
原帖由 s30wrt 於 2006-9-14 12:13 PM 發表 yeah <:-P retake
原帖由 蛋~* 於 2006-9-14 12:26 PM 發表 原來係咁 ;)) ;)) 所以阿爺要留返d體力~ 唔可以去party住 ;))
原帖由 蛋~* 於 2006-9-14 12:28 PM 發表 搭入9月哩個多愁善感既秋季~ 係咁架喇 ;))
原帖由 蛋~* 於 2006-9-14 12:31 PM 發表 咁我登你gf慘喇 ;))
原帖由 s30wrt 於 2006-9-14 12:31 PM 發表 thats not funny man... show some love after all hes your son
原帖由 s30wrt 於 2006-9-14 12:37 PM 發表 how could U say that??? U shd ask him whats up talk to him ar
原帖由 wing_wing_jai 於 2006-9-14 01:39 PM 發表 Hello, everyone~~!! How are all of you guys?? >:D<
原帖由 天一 於 2006-9-14 01:20 PM 發表 always lie me lah....... say surte can won money de....... see......... 2 match me bet also draw laio............
原帖由 wing_wing_jai 於 2006-9-14 01:46 PM 發表 I know ar, College and working is so busy ar ma~~!! And when I actually try to talk in here, no one's here ar~~! So Sad