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lhy92725 發表於 2015-12-7 05:01 PM
貓貓晚上好。 我擔心佢起背後夾擊就真。
pknoface 發表於 2015-12-7 09:07 PM
背後夾擊not something i do
路人甲兄晚上好. 咁我都放心啲.
pknoface 發表於 2015-12-9 10:14 AM
noface, time to wake up
lckiong 發表於 2015-12-9 05:03 PM
pee pee
lhy92725 發表於 2015-12-10 02:09 PM
比較少啲. 加拿大可能會.
pknoface 發表於 2015-12-11 10:40 AM

Vancouver has the worst traffic in Canada, new congestion study claims

Construction — or the lack of it — is making Canadians’ commute worse, according to a GPS manufacturer that has declared Vancouver Canada’s most congested city.

The 2014 traffic index, released by TomTom NV on Tuesday, said the Canadian gridlock problem cost the average commuter nearly 79 hours last year, up from 77 hours in 2013.
Vancouver again ranked third in North America — just behind the notorious traffic of Los Angeles and Mexico City.
Toronto was a close second to Vancouver in the Canadian rankings, with Ottawa and Montreal taking the third and fourth spots respectively. Edmonton and Quebec City tied for fifth and Calgary had the honour of finishing last — though just being mentioned by the annual ranking is itself somewhat of a slight.
But the new study gives ammunition to municipal politicians in Metro Vancouver, who have warned residents of “crippling gridlock” that will consume the region if they don’t vote in favour of a provincial sales tax increase in an upcoming transit referendum.
The tax hike, if approved, would help finance a $7.5-billion transit expansion — including a replacement for the Pattullo Bridge linking New Westminster and Surrey.
One of the study’s authors, Nick Cohn, said one of the main factors in Vancouver’s score was the “automatic bottlenecks” at the mouths of bridges leading to the downtown core.
“In Vancouver, the southern suburbs have been growing really, really quickly but the jobs are not all focused on the south,” said Mr. Cohn, a senior traffic expert at TomTom. “That means that there are big commuter flows that have to cross just a few river crossings.”

The study bases its ranking of 218 cities on what TomTom calls a congestion level, which is determined by comparing times when traffic is
“free-flow” to peak periods. So Vancouver’s overall congestion, 35%, means an average trip would take more than a third longer than if that driver was unencumbered by traffic.
During the evening rush-hour in Vancouver, commutes are 66% longer, TomTom said.
Toronto’s overall congestion was 31% — a four-point increase from 2013.
Mr. Cohn suggested the increase was in part due to rampant construction.
Ottawa, with a congestion of 28%, saw its peak traffic during a very narrow point — leading Mr. Cohn to suggest that Ottawa’s public servant-dominated workforce was driving to work and driving home at the same time.
Calgary, with 22%, and Edmonton, with 23%, aren’t “hemmed in” by major bodies of water like their congested counterparts, Mr. Cohn said.
By comparison, Istanbul topped the global ranking with 58% overall congestion.
“Let’s keep Canada in perspective. Canadian cities did better than cities in the U.S. and Europe,” Mr. Cohn said, before admitting that he was giving little comfort to “the person stuck on [Ontario’s] 401 and trying to get to work.”
起市區工作從來冇, 一來停車場貴, 路邊每個鐘頭要落去入表. 依家既規矩係點我都唔知咯. 總之未試過啦. 就好似起香港有幾多個打工仔揸部車去中環上班呢? ...
pknoface 發表於 2015-12-11 10:44 AM
路邊每個鐘頭要落去入表use paybyphone app!
pknoface 發表於 2015-12-11 09:04 PM
outdated road design...  no real highway system like the usa
冇錢去泊車, 唔會用呢啲咁方便既野。
pknoface 發表於 2015-12-11 09:05 PM
冇錢去泊車?  why are you even owning a car?
我今日先有留意到, 原來週日只比commercial既車泊路邊, 仲要每3個鐘頭要移一次車.
pknoface 發表於 2015-12-12 11:28 AM
don't be cheap!
我今年暑假去過多倫多, 從多倫多市區經404公路去markham只有大概30英哩路, 唔塞車只要半個鐘去到, 但我幾次經過見啲車都係由市區塞到去markham. 冇2個鐘唔使旨意去到. ...
pknoface 發表於 2015-12-12 10:52 PM
401 rush hour16 lanes still can't solve the problem
pknoface 發表於 2015-12-12 10:54 PM
that's your van!!??
lhy92725 發表於 2015-12-12 10:55 PM
lhy92725 發表於 2015-12-14 12:33 PM
unless you have 3 people carpool use the HOV lane.
pknoface 發表於 2015-12-13 07:12 PM
people are slow on hov lanes