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本帖最後由 dicdicjai 於 2012-9-7 10:27 PM 編輯

外國有人帶貓出街溜. 對養貓人仕黎講唔算特別. 如果隻貓冇伴, 佢會好寂寞. the best companion is to have another cat. 就算有伴, 都要同佢地玩起碼15min/day. 係玩黎講, 冇野好得過outdoor. 只不過outdoor會lead to danger, 所以唔鼓勵咁做(尤其是香港呢D high traffic place).
crystal話貓大多數會害怕, 呢個只係first few times. 就好似人咁樣, 人生路不熟一定唔會習慣, 但當習慣左之後, 佢地就成日想出去.
again, I never encourage owners to bring the cats outside. I just want the owners to know cats get bored and need play time too.