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old chow come to NY to find out
goldmonk 發表於 2012-1-30 12:27 AM
Y in NY?
of course go china or HK la...for Tofu
lhy92725 發表於 2012-1-30 12:35 AM
what happen?
tofu bosi today no eat the cat cat tofu ah

tofu san always paste " meow meow 520 1314 or 143 d..."

y tofu no eat tofu today ha?
cat gong he fat choy
go2david 發表於 2012-1-30 01:22 AM
Yes Yes yes
tofu come home oledi hahaha!
cat cat ...add oil x2    
tambah minyak x100
think cat cat dun understand wor
meow meow from guangchow bo

nite nite av1
david no need sleep
goldmonk 發表於 2012-1-30 10:28 AM
david waiting to 'gip choy sun yeh' la
on 9th day of cny, buddhist have big feast
especially if u r 'hokkien lang' (福建人)
lin lin not here
goldmonk 發表於 2012-1-30 10:55 AM
linlin also go to usher choy sun la..
he want 2 jok gor yau chin yan
n become siong lau sa wui
Good morning good night 豆腐俱樂部
chowold2 發表於 2012-1-30 11:15 AM
chowchow bring the cafe to tofu club wor

3Q Tofu Bosco,,in Game 21 I self touch win

ball ball game, eat the ba gor again

HIDE 發表於 2012-1-31 08:33 PM
Tofu Boss big winner again, ball game 21
only one winner this time
lucky 2907, me 3 games in a row, total loss