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原帖由 blueocean 於 2009-3-13 11:36 PM 發表 I see girls dating boys at 11 years old how old are you by the way??
11 years old??? omg...is too young....
i am 25...i am sure i am older than you....
原帖由 blueocean 於 2009-3-13 11:41 PM 發表 yes....I guess they want to have some love knowledge you are not old la.....I am 20
but still too young.....western style....have different thinking.... 
5 yrs older...is very old....you are little brother.... 
原帖由 blueocean 於 2009-3-13 11:52 PM 發表 I have a very good habit.....I like to love older sister ga
 older sister better??? 

how many siblings you have??
原帖由 blueocean 於 2009-3-14 12:02 AM 發表 secret la I mean I love girls who are older than me
its ok....
then you have to hunt for seniors at school.... 
by the way, what's the time at US now??? 11am???
原帖由 blueocean 於 2009-3-14 12:10 AM 發表 but I think you are the perfect match for me wor now it's 12:10....time for lunch.....bye bye
 ok....enjoy your lunch then....see you....
原帖由 dicksonkhan 於 2009-3-14 12:13 AM 發表 那我呢?我已经28咯!
原帖由 dicksonkhan 於 2009-3-14 12:25 AM 發表 我要把握自己介绍给你啊!
你还不要睡啊?? 明天不是要工作吗??
原帖由 dicksonkhan 於 2009-3-14 12:34 AM 發表 我去睡觉啦!晚安!jessie!
原帖由 mickeybblim 於 2009-3-14 12:45 AM 發表 永远...

回應 mickeybblim 第 30774 篇文章

G 哥哥。。你好。。刚睡醒啊??
原帖由 mickeybblim 於 2009-3-14 01:34 AM 發表 晚上可以说哪里都没有人啊
原帖由 Geai 於 2009-3-14 01:51 AM 發表 no ar   working now   my time still Friday
oppsss...sorry...i thought is 1 day further... 
原帖由 Geai 於 2009-3-14 01:51 AM 發表 her home most ppl reply
yah...her house people mountain people sea...i don't know how to response also....i am too slow.... 