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Here are a few fun Chinese expressions for talking about some characteristics (/stereotypes) of men and women.

1. 钻石王老五(zuànshí wánglǎowǔ), “A single, wealthy man.” Zuànshí means “diamond” and wánglǎowǔ means “the 5th son of Wang”, who I guess must have been a rich guy. A common way to refer to the kind of rich, eligible bachelors that many people are chasing after!

2. 花花公子(huāhuāgōngzǐ), “A playboy” , literally “a flowery prince” (can also be referred to as 花心大萝卜huāxīn dà luóbo, literally “a flowery hearted big radish”!)

3. 情场老手(qíngchǎng lǎoshǒu), “A player”, literally means “an old hand on the lover’s field”.

4. 三十而立, 四十不惑,五十知天命 (sānshí ér lì, sìshí bù huò, wǔshí zhī tiānmìng) “By 30, a man should be independent, by 40, a man should have no uncertainties, by 50, a man will know his fate.” A lot of pressure for the Chinese guys then!

5. 男人四十一枝花,女人四十豆腐渣儿 (nánrén sìshí yī zhī huā,nǚrén sìshí dòufǔ zhāér) “At age 40, men are flowers, women are soya bean dregs.” Charming!


1. 拜金女(bài jīn nǚ) “A material girl”, literally “a woman who worships gold”.

2. 白骨精(báigǔjīng) “A strong woman”, literally means “white-boned demon” and refers to a character in the Chinese classic Journey to the West (西游记xīyóujì). This is now commonly used to refer to strong-willed and independent women who know their own mind (you can also say 女强人nǚ qiángrén to refer to successful career women).

3. 花瓶(huāpíng) “A woman who is nothing more than a pretty face”, literally “a vase”.

4. 小三儿(xiǎo sānér) “The other woman/mistress”, literally “little number three” (can also be known as 二奶èrnǎi).

5. 剩女(shèngnǚ) “A leftover woman.” This is used to refer to single career women, usually women in their thirties who haven’t married or had children yet. The word 剩男(shèngnán) does also exist, but is far less widely used than the female equivalent.
Dr Cat - 一早就
天哥。。。。good morning。。。。
天哥 早晨
Tian 哥 早晨 - Merry Christmas.
Tian 哥,聖誕快樂。。
天哥 早晨。。。
唔知喎, 佢不是住HK的嗎
CC517 發表於 2011-12-26 05:41 PM
佢系 馬國。。。
raytian 發表於 2011-12-26 11:13 PM

yum yum~~~hahaha
raytian 發表於 2011-12-28 01:36 PM
Selamat Malam 天哥。。。
无晒表情图标 好次 沒咁好。。。。。。