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原帖由 蓝云 於 2008-9-16 05:15 PM 發表

u come out again a...
but i still cant see ur signature wo??
its white

回應 h2o 第 13646 篇文章

原帖由 wongjj 於 2008-9-16 05:16 PM 發表

ice-cream & pm pls
too cold for ice cream la

dont want u to be sick
原帖由 蓝云 於 2008-9-16 05:20 PM 發表

ooo....i now see it de....
good luck la  

回應 h2o 第 13659 篇文章

lunch time now ?
原帖由 wongjj 於 2008-9-16 05:26 PM 發表

then....nuts all finished jo la.....i want more nuts....pls..... .....or ....at least let me buy water la ...........
dont eat b4 sleep   will gain weight ka  
原帖由 h2o 於 2008-9-16 05:28 PM 發表

wow   free labor           next time I call u   

回應 wongjj 第 13673 篇文章

give u $2 la then
I go sleep la

c u all later  
原帖由 wongjj 於 2008-9-16 05:39 PM 發表

thanks G gor gor...but...not enough for buying a bottle water...wor....
give u 2 more  

sleep la   night
busy busy busy today
原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-9-17 11:19 AM 發表

G gor gor...I want water too
or maybe beer, I want beer more
ur bank max jor    shouldnt u give me  

回應 maui 第 13724 篇文章

big cook   ur boss giving $ away lei  

回應 boy12 第 13726 篇文章

where is ur head master

回應 boy12 第 13728 篇文章

I miss vistor & taxidoor

they dive water very long time already  