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boy boy    long time no c
原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-12-13 05:37 AM 發表

I lose $$ everyday.....soon I will be poor la
r u trying to chase me    I am still #4 from bottom ar  
原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-12-13 06:25 AM 發表

working hard now.....want to be #1 from bottom.....at least I am #1 of something
I pass cck la    now #3

u add oil too  
原帖由 boy12 於 2008-12-13 07:08 AM 發表

where have u been ?
I guess must be with mickey la !!  
I miss u so much !! Any Christmas present for the poor ?

go there   will have surprise later  
原帖由 dicksonkhan 於 2008-12-13 07:27 AM 發表
but now i'm always lose leh!
您贏了 547 場  輸了 501 場  得勝差是 46 場
得勝率是 52.1946564885 %   贏了 13124050 元  
在獎金排行榜排名第 10 位 ...
miaomiao higher than u     who she follow ka
原帖由 dicksonkhan 於 2008-12-13 07:36 AM 發表
she follow qq
last weekend I bet football      lost over 20 gms  

this week follow him too
原帖由 boy12 於 2008-12-13 07:37 AM 發表

I want to know what is so surprise too !!
原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-12-13 07:32 AM 發表

what's so surprise
I said later will have ar

b4 12/24   
原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-12-13 07:39 AM 發表

everyone follow qq to win big
we should follow him too  

回應 bourget 第 5472 篇文章

Ju Ju u not in Ohio ka ma   
原帖由 bourget 於 2008-12-20 05:03 AM 發表
Ohio & Toronto very close
300 miles g ma !!
drive need 4hrs +  
原帖由 boy12 於 2008-12-20 05:38 AM 發表

will wait for ur present !
u off la ?
原帖由 boy12 於 2008-12-20 08:44 AM 發表

Audi is always the best !!
If Japanese, I would recommend Subaru or maybe Toyota !!
not talking about drive in snow ma

use chain more safe ar  

回應 boy12 第 5631 篇文章

boy boy should hire clean lady  

回應 blueocean 第 5679 篇文章

so late not sleep  

回應 DOBI 第 5681 篇文章

have what see ar  