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不停的掉聖騎士項鍊,我已經有4條了 劍真的很難才有...
原帖由 zukiroy 於 2008-11-12 12:42 AM 發表

you don't have to give me back~

you can have it

i got many of that~
原帖由 00-00-00 於 2008-11-12 12:46 AM 發表
last time the magic still have 初级,中级和高级. now still got or not?
now seems no 分級 ar..
i try it this 轉again...法師is better...as 1智慧加5魔攻...聖騎1力量才加3攻擊...法師感覺上較強...
原帖由 00-00-00 於 2008-11-12 12:55 AM 發表
i am tired le. i wanna to left le. bye bye.
gd night~byeeee
原帖由 00-00-00 於 2008-11-12 12:57 AM 發表

use all already. 1200 for defend and others for magic.
when i use 法師 i prefer add all to 智慧 and use 紅寶石 催眠 d怪...as more魔攻up lv faster
原帖由 zukiroy 於 2008-11-12 12:59 AM 發表
i only use 500 + 法神之靴 have 500 = 1000
i use whole set 法神裝 and about 500lv i think will have enough 防...normally will add 500耐力too but in the later period with higher lv
原帖由 zukiroy 於 2008-11-12 12:59 AM 發表

how many 素質點 do you have now?
力 量:3869
體 質:300
敏 捷:200
智 慧:0
耐 力:1000
攻 擊:653259
防 御:169990
魔 攻:319


素質點use up lu
so good!!! i haven't court that arrr
but 5369 入面 some ar 神騎 add 既能力
聖騎add 敏捷:+200 體質:+300
原帖由 zukiroy 於 2008-11-12 01:11 AM 發表

not many people know that~
that's why your lv go up so fast~
that's really nice~but how can i get additional 素質點 ae?

also it's time to go sleep~gd night~