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原帖由 cammy8080 於 2009-1-7 09:17 AM 發表

geai, i'm not cammy , i'm her sister u can call me helen, i use her acc download 珠光寶氣 and come to say hi only, i need to do my homework first, and then my sister in hk now, she will be  ...
hi Helan... i really envy cammy n for sure she is having an excited trip in HK..
原帖由 nicnic1161 於 2009-1-7 09:20 AM 發表


回應 nicnic1161 第 5498 篇文章

nicnic, happy 牛year ar!!
祝 兄弟帮各位

牛年行大运 恭喜发财!!

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  • vwwo

nicnic, i like ur signature...
[quote]原帖由 cck_my 於 2009-5-6 03:03 PM 發表

这个就是重点! 分身好容易申请, 怀疑分身亦不难, 要如何证实确定为分身? [/quote]

cck 你那么能言善道,聪明绝顶都觉得要证实/确定为分身不宜,那么你有什么高见?既然难以确定将来会否有“有心人”要冒充你,不如先帮你的cck_my申请copy right好吗? 下次有人冒充你就可以直接sue他了。
原帖由 cck_my 於 2009-5-6 03:37 PM 發表

讲佐咁耐你都未get到我point  冷静下先
cck, 如果万一你冤枉了他人,该当何罪?simply怀疑人这样“公道”咩? 和你一向坚持的好像背道而驰loh。
原帖由 cck_my 於 2009-5-6 04:09 PM 發表

我冤枉人我会道歉, 我不是simply怀疑的, 所以要求高层查是否属实, 就是要想出应对之策
remember what u say...

回應 lhy92725 第 31020 篇文章


回應 lhy92725 第 31022 篇文章

骨猫,sorry 吖,其实吾关你事,你吾洗睇帖啦...我地自己settle, 搞到你吾好意思...
原帖由 cck_my 於 2009-5-7 10:38 AM 發表

thanks for inform the thread ady been closed... i know u also want clarify the thing, i read all and i know is error403 close 1, so i'll pm him to re-open the thread. today i a bit busy, so i'll wait him re-open the thread, if he not free to open then only i open a new 1 ok?

we jz wanna make the thing clear, not to make the tvboxnow messy right? 1 case 1 thread enough lah..

P/s: anything u pm me lah, i not free to 爬帖today.. soli ar..

[ 本帖最後由 miaomiao88 於 2009-5-7 10:49 AM 編輯 ]