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原帖由 rrliew 於 2008-9-28 08:30 AM 發表
manyiu,,jj is dog
我講話 WongJJ 唔係 JJ 女--jj 女先係 dog 呀! saw rr! 哈!
原帖由 rrliew 於 2008-9-28 08:39 AM 發表

你夜晚喎! 差不多2am?
哈哈! JJ 終於搵到 target 啦! 哈!
原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-9-29 07:54 AM 發表

  nice to meet you
boyboy has JJ....then JJ has 辉哥...I am confused
You went wrong! rr means that JJ is WongJJ's daughter! JJ女 呀! younger than JJ, 青春無敵!
原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-9-29 08:08 AM 發表

rr 唔解釋咪過當左俾 boyboy 囉!
原帖由 月※月 於 2008-9-29 04:06 PM 發表
hi 路過,來看看有沒人 ?
我代表呢度個 屋主人歡迎你!
原帖由 Geai 於 2008-9-29 04:17 PM 發表

she is member of this club ar  
原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-10-1 05:27 AM 發表

last time, when that girl steal your picture and post it
Blue Blue, where where?
原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-10-1 05:34 AM 發表

boyboy delete jor the pic
when that girl post boyboy pic...boyboy is just a VIP...can't edit other people's post
so, at that time, I take a look
Why a VIP...can't edit other people's post? I am not a VIP, that means I can do it?
原帖由 boy12 於 2008-10-1 05:39 AM 發表
cos I'm now 版主 can edit post !  VIP can't !!
Oh! I am a ordinary people . who also can't edit, right?
原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-10-1 05:46 AM 發表

I will never post my pic
I only like to show my pic
Good idea? when?
原帖由 boy12 於 2008-10-1 05:44 AM 發表

why not apply for vip in here ?
or use $ to buy up the level like the others, u are rich enough !!
BoyBoy, what advantages of being a VIP?
原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-10-1 05:51 AM 發表

  you want to see too!!
don't be so nosey la, little girl
Oh! I just curious! If you don't want to show, forget it. Don't cry! good boy!
原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-10-1 05:58 AM 發表
boyboy and manyiu

can't show to you two la
you two still need to eat dinner later
don't want you two lose appetite
You have sense of humor!
原帖由 boy12 於 2008-10-1 06:07 AM 發表

I think manyiu is older than u 20 years old little boy woo !
No really? 40 years!