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原帖由 blueocean 於 4/10/2008 00:03 發表

really, if girls do like bad boys, then I want to be one la
since you like 辉哥, doesn it mean that 辉哥 is a bad boy too
yes....fai fai...sometimes...really....bad bad ga....
原帖由 boy12 於 4/10/2008 00:38 發表
Hi everyone !
I'm a bad boy too !!
boyboy...your new look..... ....................i like it v.much~~~u look v. rich~~~

do u have monkey girl version?? i also want one~~
hey i go to bed la~~~

...blue ocean ~~i can return the fat son set to u tmr lu~~'coz i "r" jo one set 返黎了

thanks ar blue blue
hihi~~boyboy, blue ocean & manyiu~~~
原帖由 blueocean 於 5/10/2008 12:35 發表

new look again, JJ
so sexy
blue blue~~i'm sexy ma?? thanks

hey~~dobi ...that bad girl at dick's post ar~~u go there c c her la~~
boy boy'dn't  come back 2 days la.... ......
原帖由 blueocean 於 6/10/2008 10:57 發表
hmmm....on page 2 again
push it back
boyboy, come to this post more often la
...blue ocean...y u still only got $3707...cash..j...
原帖由 blueocean 於 6/10/2008 11:10 發表

because I am always poor la
actually, just too lazy to count my interest
if I don't have any $$, then you can't rob me la
let's c la...haha....

i go out dinner sin la~~ cu later
blue blue~~  r u still here??
原帖由 blueocean 於 7/10/2008 06:57 發表

it depend la
if you are looking for me, then I am always here
but if you are looking for my $$, maybe I am not here
....i'm looking for u lei ~~~but...ur $$ keep calling me...the whole day.....
原帖由 blueocean 於 7/10/2008 07:20 發表

I try to keep my money away la
I will keep them as low as possible
now, I have only 2xxx available jar
now, you can focus more on me la

i saw u have 3xxx few hrs ago...why?  where?  when? ...that 1xxx fly away????
原帖由 Geai 於 7/10/2008 07:21 發表
sooner or later u will have to take out interest  
G gor gor~~ur bank will be max soon lu bor
原帖由 boy12 於 7/10/2008 07:35 發表

He is my target ! get away from him !!
he is mine ~ dun rob him from me~~

btw, u also my target~~boyboy~~$$~~come come~~
原帖由 Geai 於 7/10/2008 07:32 發表
yaya   next target max cash  
when u help me max my bank sin
原帖由 Geai 於 7/10/2008 07:37 發表

protect me  from rob $ monster  
who is rob $$ monster ar?? ~~i'm rob $ $ queen~~~i'll help u kill that monster