wongjj 當前離線
原帖由 boy12 於 30/10/2008 14:49 發表 Hi rr ! Come out for what ?
原帖由 boy12 於 30/10/2008 14:52 發表 dobi is so nice ! take care the house for me when I'm not here !!
原帖由 boy12 於 30/10/2008 14:59 發表 by the way, seems like ur pen pad work very good woo !! Good night !!
原帖由 manyiu 於 30/10/2008 15:05 發表 Boy Boy, now is midnightm why you still here?
原帖由 manyiu 於 30/10/2008 15:14 發表 我冇黑眼圈, 唔洗驚, 好啦, 聽你話, 去睇一會電視去訓覺! 再見!
原帖由 manyiu 於 31/10/2008 08:05 發表 有呀! 473050 呢D仲正呀! 班衰鬼而家食唔落嫁啦! 你唔洗擔心有人同你爭呀!
原帖由 manyiu 於 2/11/2008 03:24 發表 我而家去刷牙. 洗面, 遲D番黎幫你洗埋碟啦!
原帖由 贱狼人 於 2/11/2008 04:09 發表 jj were are u ,now i drunk i want go to sleep,where u want me to post me pic