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原帖由 manyiu 於 11/10/2008 06:03 發表

JJ, how do you know he look like 高鈞言?
Mr 高 just post his pic here~~
原帖由 boy12 於 11/10/2008 06:04 發表

delete so fast, not enough to remember it woo......
half price la !!
i post again n u give me $2,000,000 bor ~

原帖由 boy12 於 11/10/2008 06:05 發表

shxt, i delete it but it is still show here woo, can u delete it !!
yes~after i receive ur $$$
原帖由 manyiu 於 11/10/2008 06:05 發表

BoyBoy, your brother of your friend? As far as I overheard, you are uncle 喎! ha ha!
oh...that is fake pic???
原帖由 boy12 於 11/10/2008 06:07 發表

okok, quick quick !!
dun lie me bor~~boyboy~~
原帖由 bubu1109 於 11/10/2008 06:08 發表
我好想睇blueocean張相 希望佢快D放上來
hi~~bubu~~ did u see boy boy pic??
原帖由 manyiu 於 11/10/2008 06:08 發表

死啦! 咁靚仔, JJ 今次 唔只要 $$$$ 啦! 哈! 係唔係呀, jj? 哈!
Mr ko has gf already....
原帖由 boy12 於 11/10/2008 06:08 發表

that is real ga !!
handsome boyboy~~i delete jo la ~~where is my $$$ ar??
原帖由 boy12 於 11/10/2008 06:10 發表

we are waiting for it too !!
yeah~~manyiu & bubu~~pls show us too
原帖由 bubu1109 於 11/10/2008 06:10 發表

did u see anything...besides...boyboy pic??
原帖由 manyiu 於 11/10/2008 06:11 發表

係新屋果邊, 我俾 felix 玩拜上檯, 梗係唔放住啦! 而家玩緊番佢換頭呀嘛!
so...u show ur pic at 新屋果邊 ma??
原帖由 bubu1109 於 11/10/2008 06:13 發表
其實我都曾經見過blueocean張相 ,可惜我已經刪除了

i also want to see blue ocean ar ....我哋可否集合我哋人羣的力量 "big" 佢 show pic to us ar
原帖由 bubu1109 於 11/10/2008 06:14 發表

.... only show us in this room~no need 出街 ga
原帖由 manyiu 於 11/10/2008 06:15 發表

我唔會放住嫁, 你去新屋睇下, felix 玩緊我, 放左咪俾佢成功左, 未得呀! 哈!
咁慘?? i forgot go to 新屋 these few days...'coz....顧住play pet pet....
原帖由 h2o 於 11/10/2008 06:16 發表

ya~~'coz my pic is not free ga