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老公, 老大你呢好~~
原帖由 manyiu 於 12/8/2008 05:08 發表
JJ 今天賺左幾多 錢呀?
原帖由 manyiu 於 12/8/2008 08:41 發表

仔仔未叫爸爸早晨喎! 輝哥太忙, 冇時間教?
原帖由 queenalau 於 12/8/2008 08:59 發表
haha~~bb要玩水tim~~ 或許他將來是個游泳健將呢
Hi~~ manyiu , sweet cherie, maui ....仲有各位 你哋好 ~~

我明天早機過toronto做伴娘, Sunday至番........暫時由輝輝 & bb幫手睇鋪 請大家自便....快D揾到你哋嘅另一半 ~~

我現在還在努力作緊我篇演講詞 .......

大家請放心, 我到Toronto會帶多d手信 翻黎招呼各位~~

最後要交帶的是 - 各位買咗 JJ徵婚社股票的朋友不用擔心~~ 因為我每日都會睇實個市 希望幾天後大家還記得我 ~~~
原帖由 ckhooi74 於 14/8/2008 11:54 發表

hihi~~ miss u all & bb
原帖由 真爱难求 於 13/8/2008 12:40 發表
hihi`~~í stayed at sheraton parkway hotel (richmond hill) tonite....i went to a hong kong style restaurant (close to my hotel - time square) for dinner which is v. delicious !!!! the taste much better than those in vancourver!!!!! and much cheaper!!!!
原帖由 manyiu 於 13/8/2008 14:48 發表

你住多倫多? 我 9月都會去玩幾日! 想見識 見識
i will go to 尼加拉瓜大瀑布 tmr ~~ maybe go to the "wine factory" too~~
hope no rain tmr la.....
原帖由 manyiu 於 14/8/2008 12:06 發表

i found that the flight ticket to toronto is v. expensive....almost can buy return ticket to Hong Kong..... ....if i'm not going to my fd's wedding party..i think i'll not go to Toronto....
原帖由 manyiu 於 14/8/2008 12:10 發表

對不起, 打錯字! (我係打英文轉中文, 所以會唔小心打錯嘛!)
oh~what software r u using --> 打英文轉中文? i'm using "handwriting board".....which is v. slow... ...
原帖由 喵喵囡囡 於 14/8/2008 12:15 發表


hihi ~~

who 监督住 u ar?! Poor u.....
原帖由 manyiu 於 14/8/2008 12:17 發表

You are right, the ticket to Toronto is very very expensive as I have bought one, which cost $600
Wah~~~~~~~~$$$ $$$

r u going with your (boy)fd or family ...or alone?! r u going to stay at fd's home?......the hotel i stayed tonite is a bit old....like those in Richmond (vancourver).....
原帖由 manyiu 於 14/8/2008 12:21 發表

As far as I know, there are very many Chinese style restaurants in Toronto, cost is cheaper than in Vancouver. Did you gain weight? 哈!
i'll control my weight in these few days....but after this Sat (my fd's wedding day)....i'm sure i'll lose control
原帖由 Geai 於 14/8/2008 12:23 發表
jj in Canada too ?

yes ar~~ i lived in Vancourver~~

& today i just arrived toronto...will back van. this Sunday~~