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个人认为如果要求较高(价钱也一样很高)必须兼备Centrino包含Core 2 Duo T7xxx或T8xxx, PM965 chipset, Intel® 4965AGN Wireless-A/B/G/N, 3GB DDR2 SDRAM, 250GB Hard Drive, 256MB NVIDIA® GeForce® 8600M GT或更新的NVIDIA® GeForce®  9500 GS with up to 1280MB of TurboCache (512MB of dedicated GDDR2 VRAM, up to 768MB of shared system memory).

普通的Centrino包含Core 2 Duo T5xxx, GM965 chipset with integrated 3D graphics Intel GMA X3100 with up to 358 MB of shared system memory, Intel® 3945ABG Wireless-A/B/G, 2GB DDR2 SDRAM, 160GB Hard Drive