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回復 #1 rickyeva 的帖子

unihk 已解释 x86 - 32-bit, x64 - 64-bit, 通常都使用x86, 除非你用64bit操作系统!

回復 #8 lyanbebe 的帖子

x64 must install x64 drivers, if your hardware all supported and you want to install more than 4GB of RAM then 64-bit will be good. But for normal computing, x86 is enough and run faster than 64-bit according to benchmark!

回復 #10 lyanbebe 的帖子

I recommend you do a clean format and reinstall windows again! i just do that few days ago! Now a fresh & fast computing experience!

回復 #12 lyanbebe 的帖子

If automatic shutdown when restart window, maybe is the power saving option that can be change then no need to re-install windows. If keep on restart or shutdown without reason is windows problem, so must format!