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原帖由 boy12 於 2008-1-21 01:55 PM 發表

How funny ? Like this ?


wa~~so cute~
龍貓~~i like it.....
this is a "cute meal", not "funny"
一秒鐘可以刺穿一個心, 一輩子才能彌補一棵心
原帖由 boy12 於 2008-1-21 01:58 PM 發表

U bad girl la , sleep so late ! :024:
Me about the same !! Hoho
i didn't tell u that i am a good girl
一秒鐘可以刺穿一個心, 一輩子才能彌補一棵心

回復 #32155 boy12 的帖子

you think i am a bad girl
so i won't tell u
一秒鐘可以刺穿一個心, 一輩子才能彌補一棵心
原帖由 crashersus 於 2008-1-21 02:07 PM 發表

funny dinner??? camon, tell us how funny is it...
handsome guy~~you are a good guy
i will tell u later after that guy go to sleep~~^^
一秒鐘可以刺穿一個心, 一輩子才能彌補一棵心
原帖由 boy12 於 2008-1-21 02:19 PM 發表

Ha .......... I think mind is funnier !!     
i saw it yesterday lar~~
it's not a new~~:onion14:
一秒鐘可以刺穿一個心, 一輩子才能彌補一棵心

回復 #32160 boy12 的帖子

hey~~where do you go?
it isn't time to sleep wor...
don't cry lar
do you like to drink tea? give u one:onion14:
一秒鐘可以刺穿一個心, 一輩子才能彌補一棵心
原帖由 boy12 於 2008-1-21 02:37 PM 發表

Y u reply so fast ! :024:
make me so tired  !
I just have to go home and also go talk to the good angel ja !! :014:

I usually don't talk to bad girl ga, cos it is dangerous !
And th ...
i never think my reply is so fast
cuz..my english is not good~~

i am trying to do my best, but .......you don't think that.......
一秒鐘可以刺穿一個心, 一輩子才能彌補一棵心
原帖由 boy12 於 2008-1-21 02:33 PM 發表

recycle or reuse is good for the enviorment !
but y u spy on me yesterday !! :024:
I leave la so u can be stay with the handsome guy la !!
i didn't spy u yesterday~~
i was there yesterday
and i talked with u yesterday lar but you forgot me ja ma...:019:
一秒鐘可以刺穿一個心, 一輩子才能彌補一棵心
原帖由 crashersus 於 2008-1-21 02:52 PM 發表

dear...u english not bad huh....staying in US should be good though.....where r u from huh...i mean originally? HK ah?
thank you~
my english should be better if i stay in U.S
i am from Vietnam~~not HK
where are u from ar~~
一秒鐘可以刺穿一個心, 一輩子才能彌補一棵心

回復 #32170 boy12 的帖子

Bye Bye~~
c u later lar...
一秒鐘可以刺穿一個心, 一輩子才能彌補一棵心
原帖由 crashersus 於 2008-1-21 03:30 PM 發表

whao...Vietnam....da place i always wanted to go for visitting....LAOS, VIENTIANE...

am from Malaysia...somewhere not far from Vietnam lor..how long u have been in US huh? Study there huh??
Mm...Vietnam is a good place~~
i've been in US almost 4 years
yes~~i am a student~~
i go to sleep lar~~
look you later~
一秒鐘可以刺穿一個心, 一輩子才能彌補一棵心
一秒鐘可以刺穿一個心, 一輩子才能彌補一棵心
here here tooooo:onion05:
一秒鐘可以刺穿一個心, 一輩子才能彌補一棵心
原帖由 woofy 於 2008-2-3 06:23 AM 發表

o個度坐得耐 唔想郁 haha
佢自己走得太快, 就話俾人玩~~~
一秒鐘可以刺穿一個心, 一輩子才能彌補一棵心
原帖由 lux1261 於 2008-2-3 06:23 AM 發表

haha  又吹過!
一秒鐘可以刺穿一個心, 一輩子才能彌補一棵心