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英超第10轮 维拉 vs 曼联 讨论区


00:15:00 开踢
维拉 vs 曼联
both Rooney and C Ronaldo get in the score sheet on the international match...they are in good form...hope this good form can continue to on the MU match...

Vidic is back from Injury...just donno will him be out for play or not lar....let see then...

回復 #17 HIDE 的帖子

原帖由 ljw1982 於 2007-10-21 12:08 AM 發表

是不是astro叻!! 我也是在看着!!
死得啦....又系尼个死野栽判....Rob Style....

卑个free kick 响 penalty box 入边......拒都傻KA....:024:
9场cleansheet 无啦.....
好忙啊......又看F1...miss 左两前三个goal lar...

HT score....1-3.....
原帖由 hiroisme 於 2007-10-21 01:05 AM 發表
3 -1 la, rooney an ferdinand score
5系Ferdinand 卡.....OG黎KA...
yeah....1-4.....good stuff from MU>...