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The 13th Pick: Andrew Bynum’s All-Star Bid

Finally,there is a legitimate third candidate to represent the Lakers in CowboyStadium for this year’s All-Star game along with Kobe Bryant and PauGasol.
And, no, it’s not Lamar Odom.

Certainly,Odom deserves to be an All-Star, and it wouldn’t be improbable forLaker Nation’s Candy Man. But since the West is stocked with All-Startype forwards, it would be a pretty tall order for L.O. Guys likeLaMarcus Aldridge, Kevin Durant and Carlos Boozer weren’t even on theteam last year, and that only shows how tough it would be to crack aspot on the roster that already counts Dirk, Tim and Pau every year.

Butat the center spot, 22 year old Andrew Bynum is slowly working towardsbecoming one of the best big men in the game to go along with hisbowling skills. Without question, he has had moments that suggest hisskills and promise, and barring injuries, this looks like the year thathe has long awaited for – a solid year that he can play completelythrough, and one in which he can claim his spot as perhaps the topcenter in the West.

EvenDime Magazine’s Austin Burton says, “If any West center will complete athree-man bid for his team, it’ll be Andrew Bynum going with Kobe andPau Gasol.”

Indeed,it is early in the season. As Phil said after the Hawk game lastSunday, they still aren’t able to complete games, as they have hadstretches where they have let opponents go on runs that were often offLaker turnovers. They are also still on a learning curve as far asplaying with Ron Artest, who had his best defensive game that Sunday,limiting Joe Johnson to nine points after Johnson exploded for 18 in the first quarter.

Andwith Gasol sidelined maybe until Sunday, Bynum has had his share oftouches, consistently averaging 54.9% in field goal percentage.

Andon the night the New York Yankees clinch their 27th World Championshipagainst the Philadelphia Phillies, Andrew has improved on hisdouble-double average, with 20 ppg. and 10.6 rpg. In Wednesday’s gameagainst the Rockets, with our old buddy Trevor Ariza trying to one-uphis old team, Drew’s line was 17 and 17, and despite getting blocked byTrevor from behind, he has shown that he is capable to pick up theslack for Pau on both ends.

ShouldBynum continue this type of production, it will be a huge jump from histotals last year of 14.3 ppg. on 56% in field goal shooting.

FeaturingBynum has been in large part to his teammates’ ability to feed him theball in areas where he can easily throw it down, or in spots where hecan create for himself. Bryant and Lamar Odom, in particular, haveshown the willingness to let their young center exploit his heightadvantage in mismatches with creative lobs and drop passes for easyscoring opportunities.

Butin fairness (to the Laker fans, for the most part), this is the type ofstat line to expect for a starting center with a four-year, $58 millioncontract. And with the loss of Yao Ming this season, it is all the morereason for Andrew to take the opportunity to step up and assert hisclaim to be an All-Star.

Bynumshould and will be a very integral part of the Lakers’ schemes on bothends, with his size and physicality. He is expected to be that otherperson besides Artest to really bang down low and punish people, and asthe last line of defense, he is responsible for denying opponentspoints in the paint.

Seeingas how he said that getting the Championship ring on opening night was“the best gift I’ve ever gotten,” he will look to have his ownsignature moments late in the regular season and the Playoffs.

Therecent decision to no longer train with the legendary KareemAbdul-Jabbar can be interpreted two ways; that Bynum is beingdisrespectful and arrogant by refusing such an honor, or that it is astep towards maturity, that he intends to figure things out on his ownby working out on his own pace.

Perhapsthe truth is more in the latter. After all, he has already experiencedboth losing and winning in the Finals. Now should be the time to showus what he has learned.
洛杉磯湖人俱樂部 / 如果人間有未來,一定是綠色的。