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回復 #1966 green_lemon 的帖子

nothing much...i don;t really miss it much

回復 #1976 green_lemon 的帖子

no ar, everyone here is waiting for stockmarket.........but now i am playing sports games as well..........we will ok in sports game together here
if u need money just ask us we will help ok.

回復 #1979 yuka13 的帖子


回復 #1978 green_lemon 的帖子

you lost we will give u back money don't worry u will not be poor.
:019: :019:
who can attack?

回復 #2062 假書僮 的帖子

u are rich now but i am poor!!!!!!!!!!:024:

回復 #2077 steffgirl 的帖子

if hi...if u come here often and talk to us......then join our family i will give you 2million tvb=2000000 to join us ok?:014:

回復 #2082 steffgirl 的帖子

why you delete some post?  what were u trying to say?

回復 #2086 leo_04236 的帖子

you join our family i give you more no problem:014:

回復 #2094 lenykoy 的帖子

hor hor.......i am poor u give her leny.

回復 #2092 leo_04236 的帖子

sure.tvb$$$ not a problem.

回復 #2097 leo_04236 的帖子

no ar no ar i just know her jar!!!!!

how can you lot treat lady like this?:024:
leo join us now....we give u lots of JETSO...