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回復 #452 天使_琪 的帖子

天使_琪  you want to play games with us this weekend ma?

回復 #455 boy12 的帖子

go on then if u can change name i give u all my money........then u are gay

回復 #458 jwxie518 的帖子

the must want some pusnishment la haha...let ;s go and flood his home
leny's boy firend ar!!!!!!!! remember is boy friend

回復 #504 lenykoy 的帖子

haha support!!!!!!!
do u lot like game ar, see detail in the other post la.
遲d      christmas 製作 一千萬 games
大弟子哪 !!!!!!! come and play play la.

回復 #533 月※月 的帖子


回復 #538 月※月 的帖子

一齊玩?? 你要玩甚麼 hehe??
係啦boy12 寫中文啦 寫英文又寫得長 :024:

回復 #574 bourget 的帖子

me nearly sleep la.....one hor later sleep after watch baskball:sleeps:
go sleep more lor