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回復 #27459 chu553358 的帖子

we play something else very soon la........bye bye.

回復 #28610 chu553358 的帖子

you take my money when it was max.......give me more time next time please.....:onion03:

回復 #28612 chu553358 的帖子

haha..........we were still frying wor..........u don;t see us.....bourget hit like pat pat for us

回復 #28615 bourget 的帖子

i am PULLING his leg hehe....i sold all just beofer he take money hehe..........

回復 #28617 crashersus 的帖子

same here i will only agree on 1.3 dollar when reopen, MOST 2 dollar!!!!!! but not 5 dolalr and less shares.:onion31:

回復 #28620 crashersus 的帖子

u saw the ranking haha,,,,u are too quick!!!!! thanks for the support remember buy and sell do not keep stock forever ok.
i think 1.3-2 dollar is ok difference is only 0.7 dollar but for many people it is a lot......i hope they can sell or we fry it up they lost less...... more people play more better right?

回復 #28622 crashersus 的帖子

i think 1.3 is ok, becasue that is what it is right? but 2 dollar is easier to fry up, ifrst day if max will be 3 dolalr already!!!!:onion18:
hello all people here!!!!!

如果可以黎support 下謝謝:onion05:

回復 #31385 ed_teck 的帖子


回復 #31391 ed_teck 的帖子

問下 哈哈  我知道我一定唔洗問你去投票 所以我都無p.m. 你 我只有p.m. 兩個人
好彩申請下唔洗死   我忡已為你要答覆 等我提早食蕉

回復 #31393 harugawa 的帖子

你一定住得好近我 尼個世界真係小

回復 #31400 harugawa 的帖子

我見到你講你住係 coventry

回復 #31402 harugawa 的帖子

我係 cv central