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原帖由 woofy 於 2008-2-9 12:53 PM 發表

Why did lux reinstall her windows?
Is it English windows?
Did lux download the chinese fonts?
yes downloaded la but she did not know how to make it wor, cos what she can see is mess words.. she need to prees start, control panel and then setup language right, but i don;t know hwo to explain to her.

回復 #37510 crazie 的帖子

you wake up?
原帖由 crazie 於 2008-2-9 12:57 PM 發表

One eye opened only....

我地一齊幫lux fix computer

回復 #37532 crazie 的帖子

有註冊密瑪都無用 佢都唔知點add to computer chinese language, in the control panel
原帖由 lux1261 於 2008-2-9 01:15 PM 發表

邊道晒購買正版架 你麻download 了 
你不知道怎樣加入 computer only:onion14:
原帖由 woofy 於 2008-2-9 01:19 PM 發表

有 九方輸入法免安裝版(2K 版本及XP 版本)
佢已安裝XP 版本 但是睇唔到文字
english installed method

start> click run> type control panel> click language> tick box hong kong also taiwan
原帖由 woofy 於 2008-2-9 01:24 PM 發表

she's using english windows xp?
chinese that is why i don;t know how to explain to her how to apply the programme haha
原帖由 crazie 於 2008-2-9 01:26 PM 發表
去 start/settings/control panel/regional &languages /advanced/

then select chinese(taiwan)....... reboot viola !!
你可唔以寫中文 佢係中文windows xp
原帖由 crazie 於 2008-2-9 01:29 PM 發表
Felix do U have megaupload or sendspace...??
none why?

回復 #37560 crazie 的帖子

原帖由 lux1261 於 2008-2-9 01:38 PM 發表


回復 #37571 lux1261 的帖子

獎品1000000 好唔好

回復 #37571 lux1261 的帖子
