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回應 ivan282 第 2629 篇文章

hi ivan . i can't go in to support u ge.give me a new link. i go support u.

ivan  我在申請做【 美女贴图区 】版块的見習版主

请大家到 http://www3.tvbnow.com/thread-395766-1-1.html 支持一下,谢谢

give me a new link. i go support u.

回應 hihihuhu 第 2636 篇文章

what have u been doing la .hihi huhu. how is everything .so miss u. i m going out soon. talk to u when i come back...take care .
iwry@iwjy , gary.blueocean.x12345 sorry .i did not forget u all. i was just busy . how r u . i m having a baby . no time to go online. wish u all luck for life. n thank for everything.be back soon.

回應 paulkinggood 第 2662 篇文章

成功贈送給【 paulkinggood 】寵物幣【 123456 】! is ok,pet game is for fun.just try your best.than we all happy.don't need to send back to x12345 the stuff. i will send him .take good care .
王者疾靴          x12345          1          送禮          2008-08-02 13:51:20
王者聖甲         x12345         1         送禮         2008-08-02 13:51:09

回應 blueocean 第 2659 篇文章

blueocean  what up with u lately .i miss u (my bro) so much.how is school  n work, got any lovely girl yet.promise me u hunt for the best.n keep trying to work hard.i will always be there for u.
pangck 我很念起你、你在做什麽吖.我有時間會多上來的.祝天天多運.

回應 x12345 第 2692 篇文章

don't know yet .will tell u once i know.thank so much for caring.

回應 ijk321 第 2681 篇文章

how r u la.i miss u .how is work.still working hard , i guess . igeai told me u come with a boy friend the other day.look q n tall .he said.i wish u luck always.

回應 ijk321 第 2703 篇文章

sorry. i have been busy working n having baby ma.will leave u massage when i m online.miss u .
i got a boy . everyone .just to share with u. i m very happy either way.how is everyone la. i m still busy taking care of my baby.c u all soon.

回應 jamlai ,坏蛋小子 ,hihihuhu 第 2710 篇文章

hi  jamlai .need anything let me know .n nice look 坏蛋小子 . like it a lot.hihihuhu give me a new look la.

回應 hihihuhu 第 2714 篇文章

a girl look la.or pretty(not handsome wo) lol.

回應 dgtgszl 第 2716 篇文章

dgtgszl          2008-9-3 08:07 PM          TVB 10000 元                    積分轉出

回應 kingworld 第 2718 篇文章

无名法王:你 好 !nice to meet u.

回應 hihihuhu n blue 第 2726 篇文章

thank u so much for helping .brother  . two more month my baby born la. so see u soon, after .