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阿森纳核心竟只在西班牙当配角 潜藏巨星何时能挑大梁

阿森纳核心竟只在西班牙当配角 潜藏巨星何时能挑大梁 - 19 Nov 2007






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【arsenal maina】阿穆尼亚:门将是我能打的唯一位置

【arsenal maina】阿穆尼亚:门将是我能打的唯一位置 - 20 Nov 2007






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Almunia: Goalkeeper is the only position I could play

Almunia: Goalkeeper is the only position I could play - 20 Nov 2007

Goalkeeper Manuel Almunia has said that he only started playing as a goalkeeper because that was the only position he could play on the football pitch.

The Spaniard revealed that he would get asthma attacks if he started running quickly, so he was forced to stand between the sticks.

Almunia said: "Running quickly would give me asthma attacks back then.

"It gave me a lot of problems and so my dad used to take me to the park and take a few shots at me.

"It was the only position I could play. I know I'm in a privileged position.

"Sometimes, when we score goals and our defenders come back to their positions, I say to Kolo Touré: 'How on earth did we do that?'"
门将阿穆尼亚拥有哮喘病? 我还是第一次听过!


【ghanaweb】阿德巴约出席StepApp慈善基金发布会 - 20 Nov 2007







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Adebayor to attend StepApp launch

Adebayor to attend StepApp launch - 20 Nov 2007

Arsenal striker Emmanuel Adebayor has confirmed that he will attend the launch of the SteppApp clothing range on Monday.

The Togo international is keen on supporting Ghana captain Stephen Appiah in his quest to raise funds for the charity the StepApp Fondation.

The Fenerbahce icon is coming out with his clothing range to help expand the activities of his charity for the needy across the African continent.

The 26-year-old, who helped design some of the products, says part of the proceeds will go to financing activities of his charity.

Adebayor, who is already in Accra, says he wants to support his friend to make the new clothing range a success.

“I am very happy for my brother Appiah because of the idea he has come out with to help the needy in Africa,” Adebayor said.

“I will be there at the special invitation of the player I like very much as human being and as a footballer.

“I will do whatever I can to make this clothing line a success.”

Other guests such as Azumah Nelson, Abedi Pele, Tony Yeboah and many more have all confirmed their attendance.

The Black Stars team will be at Monday's event to support their captain.
:onion14: ADEBAYOR能够为非洲国土出一份力,可谓是ARSENAL的光荣,也是其他非洲球员学习的好榜样。:onion14:

阿森纳崛起之星豪言取代欧文地位 英格兰支柱奇迹复出

阿森纳崛起之星豪言取代欧文地位 英格兰支柱奇迹复出 - 20 Nov 2007





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【每日邮报】莱曼恳求温格:“我依然在我的巅峰状态” - 22 Nov 2007



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Lehmann pleads to Wenger: 'I'm still at the peak of my powers'

Lehmann pleads to Wenger: 'I'm still at the peak of my powers' - 22 Nov 2007

Jens Lehmann has urged Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger to choose him ahead of Manuel Almunia and hinted he may leave in January if he cannot win back his place in goal.

[ 本帖最後由 jacksonkua 於 2007-11-22 03:02 PM 編輯 ]
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:onion05: 我也许提议WENGER让莱曼在CARLING CUP上场,以观察他的状态再做决定!:onion05:
【setanta sports】莱曼对于自己未来充满信心 - 23 Nov 2007







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Lehmann confident of own future

Lehmann confident of own future - 23 Nov 2007

Jens Lehmann has reiterated his desire to reclaim Arsenal's goalkeeping jersey and talked up his chances of picking up silverware in 2008 with club and country.

Despite having been dropped by Arsene Wenger after a series of blunders at the start of the season, the 38-year-old has retained his position in the national side.

There has been endless speculation about Lehmann’s future in the wake of his unceremonious dumping from first-team action in favour of Manuel Almunia, and after some much-publicised outspoken comments Lehmann has decided to play the diplomatic card and state his intention to play for the club.

“None of us know what will happen in January,” he told German website sport1.  “We are now in the middle of November, and I will try to concentrate on the international match against Wales.  After that I hope I will play with Arsenal again.

“It could also be that I will sit on the bench again considering my recent experiences.  But I firmly believe in the fact I will play again soon.

“I do not play at the moment.  I have experienced this before and succeeded.

“I am fit, and with the more experience I have I can deal with pressure situations better.  My potential means I am still at the top.
“The rest is up to the coach.  That is the final few percent which I cannot affect.”

Lehmann said he had ignored outside criticism for his early-season performances and the way he responded to Wenger dropping him.

“I do not have to pay attention to other people’s opinion of me,” he continued.  “If I play badly then someone naturally has the right to criticise me in a football sense.  If I do something good then the reporting will be good.”

And Lehmann also believes that, having already qualified for Euro 2008, Germany can go on to win the tournament next summer, with him between the sticks.

“We will be one of the teams who can win the title.  France and Italy could also win,” he added.
“The European championships are my goal, but before that I can win something with Arsenal still.”