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原帖由 wongjj 於 2008-10-1 12:30 PM 發表

play pet...msn...&...blow water lor~~ u lei~~ doing what ar??
I see you play pet everyday
looks like you love pet


原帖由 wongjj 於 2008-10-1 12:35 PM 發表

....y so angry "jack"~~~ play pet is not bad j.....

.....do u have "fat son" set ar?? give me la~~
"fat son" set
what's that
play pet is fun la...I am just waiting for pet to upgrade


原帖由 wongjj 於 2008-10-1 12:42 PM 發表

just waiting..?!....how u upgrade your pet if u just waiting....!!!!....not fight monster ma???

your pet ? turn now?? can we in a team?? mine is 7~~
I will wait for you
my pet is 12轉750級 now
if I use 3x experience card, only up 7-8級 in 30 minutes
kind of waste time
so wait for upgrade, new maps


原帖由 wongjj 於 2008-10-1 12:48 PM 發表

icic~~~~blue ocean 好叻ar ~~

do u have any 法寶give me or lend me ar??

also...do u know where is G gor gor???
I give all my 法神 to family lu
G gor gor...I think he is having dinner now


原帖由 wongjj 於 2008-10-1 12:56 PM 發表

can u get 1 set from your family then lend to me pls
G gor gor......his time = my time....it's 9:55pm la.... ....he lost jo.....
I think my family members are using them
I can lend you mine....just give me back when pet upgrade


原帖由 wongjj 於 2008-10-1 01:01 PM 發表

yes pls ~~upgrade to which level give u back ar?? my pet is now 7~~

also can u give me some pet $$...i got v little j.... a poor girl...at pet...area....
I mean give me back after this pet upgrade








原帖由 wongjj 於 2008-10-1 01:14 PM 發表

ic ~~i got them la....thanks~~~blue ocean   i will return the set to u on 13th then~~

Blue ocean~~ that's y u r in my top 5  hohohohohoo
no problem la...just helping each other
don't say I am top 5 la....I don't want 辉哥 to see this and kill me


I come to meet dobi ga
anyone still here


原帖由 wongjj 於 2008-10-5 01:30 PM 發表

hihi~blue blue~~

u must be careful 'coz that bad girl is here ~~
how bad sin
going to rob me


原帖由 DOBI 於 2008-10-5 01:32 PM 發表

yeah...JJ recommend me to meet you
  nice to meet you


原帖由 wongjj 於 2008-10-5 01:33 PM 發表

u duno her ma????...she is  devil mouth + devil heart + kid body.......
kind of sound like you


原帖由 DOBI 於 2008-10-5 01:34 PM 發表

nothing will left of me
today is my funeral  


原帖由 nicnic1161 於 2008-10-5 01:35 PM 發表


first time to meet you, handsome


原帖由 wongjj 於 2008-10-5 01:36 PM 發表

....i'm angel face + devil body~~~ can't u see ma??
that's your old look
you change your look now...


原帖由 DOBI 於 2008-10-5 01:39 PM 發表

你唔好MEET我呀 係就愛我啦  
好, 咁我愛死你

