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原帖由 hahakl 於 2008-11-20 11:09 PM 發表
me too.....
little bit tried...
原帖由 hahakl 於 2008-11-21 04:07 PM 發表

i'm here.... no 9 now is ard 41%.. sure will boom later....

回應 jjj9930 第 1516 篇文章

wow.. new card ... very good for new comer wow....
really is good news...
原帖由 hahakl 於 2008-11-21 04:58 PM 發表

獲得 35 寵物幣,貢獻給家族 5 寵物幣 善惡值 +10 獲得1個 英雄之墜
yesterday i get 英雄之劍.... also 1st time i get this...
ya lor.. till now still cannot play oh....
never mind.. go play share 1st la...

can anyone tell me what thats mean??
原帖由 hi_there 於 2008-12-1 11:25 AM 發表
i clear the cache, offline websiste data, authorisation,.. all.. still.. walao le
you try to go to bottom of the page left corner hv [url=plugin.php?identifier=stock&module=stock&action=Acc_set]帳戶管理[/url] then u click on it....
then try to play ard with this option... if the check box is tick then try to untick... if untick then tick it..

*註:此功能乃採用VB Script編寫,啟用可能發生遊覽器兼容問題,導致顯示錯誤或無法顯示股票列表及快速交易功能!

good luck.....
原帖由 hi_there 於 2008-12-1 11:19 AM 發表

it means that the percentages of getting more valuable things and money is adding by 2%.. sos means.. you got better chances to get more valuable things
thanks so much... now i 7轉/165級 la....
all of us add oil add oil la...
原帖由 hi_there 於 2008-12-1 12:22 PM 發表

thankss.... it works... yahoo.. can play the stock again.. but.. haha.. how many ni miss already.. hehe

hahakl.. your stocks still cant buy althought i wake up at 2 am..haha
nvm... when open market next day... buy our tai ko share la... no 97....
why this few day less ppl come here blow water de???
everyone busy for share or soccer ah???

回應 shannon0730 第 1854 篇文章

ok ok... sure will support too...

回應 hahakl 第 1858 篇文章

ya wor.... really nobody is around de....
finally 8轉130級 jor......
原帖由 weeke 於 2008-12-18 10:28 PM 發表
how are u lately my friend.....
