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原帖由 dororo 於 2006-9-15 22:33 發表

thanks dad
i can read but can't type ja~~~
原帖由 ed_teck 於 2006-9-15 22:34 發表
y? yesterday go 飞?
not happy law~~~
so go fly~~
after flying~~
feel better~~
no worries la~~
i just fly on the highway~~~
no problem wor.......
原帖由 danewin 於 2006-9-15 22:34 發表

did u open msn?
can use msn in this PIII notebook~~~
the owner didn't install it~~~
原帖由 dororo 於 2006-9-15 22:36 發表

ok la~~
can't forget the think so quick wor~~~
if my brain is like a harddisk~~
that would be great
i can format it and install all the new stuffs in and forget the sadiness
原帖由 泰利26 於 2006-9-15 22:35 發表

原帖由 ed_teck 於 2006-9-15 22:37 發表
terry 今晚得空吗?
开下msn 倾倾赌版迟d 的版务问题。
u forgot me la~~
i am the assistance of gamble ga wor~~
i am now studying the GAM110 --- instruction of gamble on soccer
原帖由 ed_teck 於 2006-9-15 22:38 發表

^:)^ take care urself la.. ^:)^
i will
i knew the limit of my toy~~
no worries
and i would speed on the residental street la~~
freeway or highway is my choice
原帖由 天一 於 2006-9-15 22:40 發表

wei, u not doing the assingment meh....??
y can chat de...??
i finish my part la~
but PK members still doing on their parts
so need to wait
that's why i have got this goodbook to use~~~
原帖由 泰利26 於 2006-9-15 22:43 發表
曲:伍樂城      詞:梁芷珊      編:伍樂城

舊日事 回頭看 當天我多麼幼稚


沒問話 無埋怨 因小故分手了事


*事實上 太介意 區區的面子

可是忘掉了 ...
what happen to u ar~~
原帖由 泰利26 於 2006-9-15 22:45 發表

有乜人傾先???女賭俠 join ng join先?
no msn in this goodbook wor.......
u guys talk first law~~
and give me a review~~~~
原帖由 ed_teck 於 2006-9-15 22:56 發表

hahaha.. 好啊。。
不过你老豆同你老公话金盘洗手,自己吾赌,点叫其他人赌leh.. ;P
no problem la~~
i am a good helper~~
原帖由 天一 於 2006-9-15 22:59 發表

no la~~~
i just prepare all the things before the meeting~
not like others~~
so i can sit and relax now~~~
原帖由 泰利26 於 2006-9-15 23:04 發表

激嬲左個friend ,感到萬二分後悔後諗起依首歌,揾撻地方告解姐......
家姐,你覺得一個大人 去嬲一個小朋友要幾耐時間先會原諒佢~
don't know wor....
just depend on how deep u hurt ur friend ~~
i am here ga~~