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lunch time... chat later BAD SIS' u_u
路過... 大家好
big sis'...入黎探下你
big sis...明天一路順風
big sis'...i'm coming to push push your thread
...don't forget my egg tart
big sis' is back xDDD
where is my egg tart?
my little bro.........here's your egg tart......portuguese egg tart from Macau....

ForeverEver 發表於 2009-10-17 05:03 PM
looks so yummy bor!!! thanks my big sis'
yeah....nice tart
how's my little bro when i am not around???
ForeverEver 發表於 2009-10-17 05:29 PM
u have heart lar~ didn't forget my tart ^^ but i know once u take the pic... all the tarts => your stomach

me ar... go to school lor... x_x my 2nd week yet...
i bring those tart back home for my parents.....still in the fridge ah......
why go to school will ???
ForeverEver 發表於 2009-10-17 05:44 PM
wow... u bought it when ar? don't keep too long lar will expire ga...

because my brain's still disconnected lor
bought on thursday lor.....the seller say can keep for 4 days.....
the tart is nice.....so i buy back for my parents to try....
quickly connect it lor don't make your eyes become panda a ...
ForeverEver 發表於 2009-10-17 05:56 PM
they put jor preservatives inside?
i believe u the tart is nice... i sure will try when i go to Asian countries later... xD
i want to go to China, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, M'sia, Singapour etc etc.. (.....................發夢就冇早)
softly connect it... there are days when i start early then almost sleep in class
i don't know wor...but i think no lar....put in fridge can keep longer maybe
put malaysia in first priority lar i treat you eat tart.....eat malaysian food.....all on me if you come ...
ForeverEver 發表於 2009-10-17 06:16 PM
err... it can slow down the development of the bacterium gua...

wooow your offer is very attractive i have to think think then :D i sure will find u if come to Msia, don't worry ^^ but u have to bao eat bao live wor and after u bring me "swim car river" with your little car

i think 1-2weeks more and i can connect my brain ga lar... the beginning's always the most difficult
haha.....good english wo......

swin car river.....
蓝云 發表於 2009-10-17 06:35 PM
哦夫哥時啦 (of course)
dicksonkhan 發表於 2009-10-17 06:40 PM
will ask my parents to finish it tomorrow........
you are my little bro.....offer sure better live can bao....in my toilet
my little bro sure can...don't worry....
ForeverEver 發表於 2009-10-17 06:42 PM
yeah finish it tmr lar if not will expire and... have diarrhea
wa... ok ok.. then i will just keep the toilet for me so you and your family can't use haha...
let's see see lar... now still not have many assignments lar.. when will have then...

蓝云 發表於 2009-10-17 06:49 PM
wow... i didn't know you are a good cook...