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原帖由 bourget 於 2008-2-1 09:00 AM 發表
OMG !!!! felix short 左 。。。。。。
佢唔 short o個日就真係 short 左!!!
原帖由 boy12 於 2008-2-1 09:01 AM 發表

I just hire her to do the job jar ma !!  
U make the place dirty ! A lot of C & asx wording in here,  sounds dirty in here now ! Have to clean up a bit !
Then you really need to clean Felix's mouth because I didn't say any of those bad words!!!!
Felix always say those bad words and insult us but I would never say those things to him or other people!
Go clean felix's mouth with soap! boy boy
原帖由 bourget 於 2008-2-1 09:07 AM 發表


http://os.tvbnow.com/images/virtualimage/2/QQ16.gifhttp://os.tvbnow.com/i ...
bourget 將 felix 分屍!!
My dinner time too!
see you guys later!
原帖由 felixng2007 於 2008-2-1 09:09 AM 發表

bad word is good for health, i just show u what is the human truth!!!!   
I'm back!
原帖由 viento 於 2008-2-1 12:35 PM 發表
woofy back too~~
i just finished my final tonight~~
now toooooooo tired
you need to go to sleep then!
Where's bourget?!
原帖由 geese 於 2008-2-1 12:49 PM 發表
Back and bye ...

Today just buy D D ~~
you come and go fast! :onion03:

you need to meet our new member viento!
原帖由 geese 於 2008-2-1 12:57 PM 發表
魔女遊戲 So fun ...woofy watch it ?
It's good?
I didn't see it but I know it's a japanese tv series. I didn't download it.
Too many things to watch but not enough time and my download is slow.
原帖由 bourget 於 2008-2-1 12:58 PM 發表
I'm back now !!
bourget is back to our headquarter too!  :014:
OMG, there's going to be even more photos coming out soon?!
預告發放67相片加兩短片 10女星裸照清單網上激傳
(星島) 02月 01日 星期五 06:30AM


(星島日報    報道)涉及疑似藝人陳冠希    、鍾欣桐    、張栢芝及陳文媛    的互聯網流傳的裸照風波,警方已將一名涉案的港人拘捕,目前仍繼續全力調查裸照源頭。當警方採取行動拉人封艇之同時,昨凌晨仍有人在網站討論區公然預告下午續有裸照發放,更列出照片「女主角」的清單,更聲稱照片總計多達67張之多,而一直盛傳的真人騷片段則報稱共2段。文:娛樂組



  在這張無法核證的照片清單中,主角全用代號表示,而代號之後所出現的數字則為將出現的照片數量。該清單為:「蕭2、pg7、bo3、鐘5、鄧4、 q1、楊10、g9、周6、r8」,代號全屬英文字母及中文姓氏,到底代表哪些人物則無從考究。發放清單的人又指清單中共有67張圖片,至於一直盛傳的短片,該清單中亦詳細地指出分別為兩段長13分鐘的DVD片段。




  蕭2 pg7 bo3 鐘5 鄧4

  q1 楊10 g9 周6 r8




  ■阿嬌    身體依然不適,未有公開露面。(資料圖片)

原帖由 geese 於 2008-2-1 01:07 PM 發表
haha .. nude key photo show time
Did you find the 短片 or new photos?? geese
原帖由 geese 於 2008-2-1 01:08 PM 發表

Oh yeah, korean series!
(有線) 魔女遊戲 CH01-CH22 End (粵語全輯打包)RMVB

I'll dl it then but I need to finish downloading 野蠻奶奶大戰戈師奶 CH 01 - CH 20 DVD 版本 Disc 1 & Disc 2

【檔案大小】 : 8.39 GB
【影片格式】 : DVD Disc 1 + Disc 2

I've been downloading it for a few days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My connection is so slow!
原帖由 viento 於 2008-2-1 01:12 PM 發表
OMG!!!!!! why only girl , no man???
I guess it's because Edison is not gay?? haha
Well, Edison is a man so you can see him in action!