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VGA? DVI? DVI-D? HDMI? ur dsplay setting at pc is set at how many minute will be turn off? or ur cable have check?
第一,你用什么牌子的火牛(PSU) = PSU must with 550watt 85% eff ++ single rail +12V 40amp + 可以用到一张GTX660+ without issue.
第二:检查cpu,gpu ,mobo ,是否超过一定的温度?电力v?多尘?风扇仔不够力?几旧没换 Thermal paste?
第三: 检查/Try Update GPU Driver
CPU =通常没超频>别过60'c比较好(注意V数值)
GPU= 通常没超频>别过85'c 比较好(注意V数值)