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回復 #186 lcw1234 的帖子

nice 2 meet u
[quote]原帖由 yang5301 於 2007-11-11 11:41 AM 發表
any good food recomanded???in sembilan..... [/quote

alot leh....!!!

回復 #195 lcw1234 的帖子

my home town also got alot delicious food leh!!!

回復 #196 lcw1234 的帖子

until drunk
next time find me also mah
原帖由 天使_琪 於 2007-11-11 11:53 AM 發表

like tat lar...hehe
me arr havent yet o.. wait for my sis
later go to eat 麻辣板面 :onion18:
u eat supper oledi?
where u eat 麻辣板面 ??
serdang also famous with 麻辣板面  leh
come n find me.i treat u eat,yang pay bill..haha
原帖由 天使_琪 於 2007-11-11 11:59 AM 發表
i eat near kok lian...
if got chance i oso wan go there eat ^______^
i duno kok lian there got!!
but in serdang is very famous板面
come here n test lah
原帖由 yang5301 於 2007-11-11 12:10 PM 發表
wllt100 like chop as well but suddenly go eat 板面wor??
......good food...铁板猪排面
原帖由 天使_琪 於 2007-11-12 10:07 AM 發表
yes.......especially to yang !!!:onion31:
原帖由 天使_琪 於 2007-11-12 10:08 AM 發表

can..........use my leg n hand supprrt u!!!!
ynag very happy if u join our gang
原帖由 天使_琪 於 2007-11-12 10:13 AM 發表
可以吃pan mee???
nesta always treat me eat pork chop pan mee!!!
原帖由 天使_琪 於 2007-11-12 10:12 AM 發表
wat mission cant let u change family?
or is Mission Impossible 4?
原帖由 nesta0013 於 2007-11-12 10:18 AM 發表

haha....not me la...
u like to eat one....i give u tvb$$ to buy...haha....
bad guy!!!!
原帖由 天使_琪 於 2007-11-12 10:20 AM 發表
不能自动退出 ==
oic.................then resigned loh...ask yang helpu type letter!!!!