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早上好啊, 我是香港人
morning, but now coming to afternoon, so far and so boring, what do you all do?
where do you from, chowold2?
@@, i now understand,
just finished my lunch, wanna sleep
CALL me Firstin is ok, nice to meet you lhy92725
HONG KONG, and where do you from too ?
ya, just know there few days before,  so come and chat with you all, shall i ?
i am now in peak season, i try to take rest when i feel tired, so will always keep update
when  i back to my desk
NO, i havent commission, just work for basic salary, what do you all working for? such industry and position?
but you all are so free, great  than me
@@" HELLO all, i am back
yes, i have already finished, and much rush as i went to banking before i have my lunch