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I will go to japan on 12/21 and back on 1/3/2010.
Can't wait,..... is Family trip, i haven't go to vacation with my
family for long time,......
By the way, I totally forget.....
Good Morning MISS and everyone,....
thanks 小飛機
小飛機 發表於 2009-8-25 09:41 AM
Is MISS cooking,......?
呢個都係一個好消息, 值得飲杯 740554
小飛機 發表於 2009-8-25 09:37 AM
OF course,...... support Miss decision
Hello Miss and everybody,.....
Just get off from work,....
so busy ar,.........
Good afternoon 機機
Fian. 發表於 2009-8-26 12:19 PM
I ate celery,.....  what are u going to cook tonight ar?
Do you need to get off early to buy grocery?
其實仲未 confirm 架
仲 plan 緊
Fian. 發表於 2009-8-26 12:26 PM
plan plan "la",..... soon or later you still need to retire,.....
If you retire now will be better,.... because you still able to look for a job or self employment
otherwise ,............
啲 yen 唔係仲係好高咩
次次去日本啲 yen 都係好鬼貴架  ...
Fian. 發表於 2009-8-26 12:28 PM
It is ok la,..... you so rich,.....
it's not that much difference,...only 20%
一套叫 The break up ( 拆夥情緣 )
都幾 touching
另外一套應該好多人都睇過 ...
Fian. 發表於 2009-8-26 12:37 PM
try to watch the "deep blue sea", but it's old movie,.....
It's talking about the Shark,....
really exciting,......
Fian. 發表於 2009-8-26 12:38 PM
Of course la,..... take so many days off,....
you know you have a lot Fans,.....
You should have 13 classes,......if i am in Hong Kong,....hehheheeeeeee
miss 話如果退休就咩都唔 do
小飛機 發表於 2009-8-26 01:01 PM
well,.... that is good for her too,.....
even better,...... I would like to retire too,.....
hello 小飛機,
how are you today? any plan yet?
MISS must be busy again,........
Hello Miss and everyone,....
finally I can get off now,..... and have the weekend off.
I haven't come home for 2 days la,......