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Fian. 發表於 2009-7-22 04:18 PM
with you will be better,........
i think you like it too,.......
如果早D識你.....早兩個月我過黎SAN JOSE個陣就搵你啦

四眼走粒仔 發表於 2009-7-22 07:59 PM
send me a message next time,......
We can hang out together,....
Fian. 發表於 2009-7-22 04:56 PM
not really,.... still prefer stay in hong kong,....
because of my family and YOU were in HK,.....
轉咗嚕~~~~而家我係 Fian 迷 706185706186
主任 發表於 2009-7-22 09:56 PM
Fian always 迷 you too,... 主任....
she always mention about you ga,.....hehe......heee
talk to you guys later.... i am still at work ar.....
Might need stay OT tonight,.......
Finally finished the work,..... time to go home
just got home with to go food,......
how are u fian and 主任?
Fian. 發表於 2009-7-23 11:32 AM
" kum " go home la,....... and take a day off "law".....
Or take care your personal things that need to do la,......
Good morning King King ^^
你係 present tense..... 我係 past tense 嚕 ~~~~~~
主任 發表於 2009-7-23 10:12 AM
Don't say that,..... you still present tense,.....
I am just newbie ,...........
Forgot to say good afternoon fian and 主任
the food taste so bad,......
i rather to cook myself next time,.........
sorry ,....... i am so tired,
talk to you guys tomorrow,...... good night everyone.....
time for to take a shower and go to bed .......
good morning,..... how are u 四眼走粒仔?
just got off from work,......
what a day,......................
time for me to prepare a dinner,....
i had a friend come over tonight,.....
I am gonna make sukiyaki tonight,.....
By the way,..... forgot to say Good morning Fain and 主任